
Instructions (for Ubuntu / Debian)

Build & Compile

Install libraries / dependencies

Download submodule libraries (cxxopts dragonslake-framework):

git submodule update --init

or just download the code from repositories and place it inside the libs/ directory.

Install system libraries (libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev) and build tools (g++ cmake ninja):

sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install g++ cmake ninja-build libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev

Prepare build configuration files and build the executable:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=ninja -G Ninja -S . -B build && \
cmake --build build --target arkanoid-like


The program supports the following command-line parameters:

--window, -w WIDTH,HEIGHT - windowed mode with specified resolution

To run the executable:

./build/arkanoid-like --window 1024,1024


  • There is an enemy turret, which randomly moves and shoots a player. Bullets spawned by a turret should pass through blocks and not destroy them. Game ends if the player is hit by a bullet.
  • The first ability (positive) increases the size of the platform and the second one (negative) decreases it by 40%. Ability stays active for 20 seconds. Abilities are “stackable”, it means that it is possible to have multiple active instances of the same ability. Minimum size is 50%, maximum is 200% of a default size.
  • make perks collision with blocks
  • fix perks and sprites resizing
  • ball reflects from block horizontal and vertical edges
  • ball reflects from paddle depending on hitbox
  • make level switching
  • own command-line parameters parser
  • Game as shared_ptr
  • magic numbers to namespace globals
  • implement onCollision (think how to check against other entities... how to access them)