
A containerized FastAPI-based application that performs several types of long asynchronous tasks.

Primary LanguagePython


A containerized FastAPI-based application that performs several types of long asynchronous tasks.


The application provides API for adding tasks to the queue to be executed asynchronously and checking the status of the task. After each task is completed, the result is sent to the address specified in the request.

When the request for adding a task is received, the application creates a task object.

The object is composed of parameters such as: unique UUID, task type, return address for results, task input data, task execution status, and task result. Such an object is then serialized into a database. Based on the task type, the corresponding task is called asynchronously and the object is passed to the queue. The queue uses RabbitMQ, which runs in a separate independent container, as a communication layer between the client and the worker. Tasks are taken off the queue by the worker service, which also runs in a separate container, and executed. In each task, a result notification task is called asynchronously before returning and storing the result in the worker database. In the notification task, the result of the parent task is retrieved and sent to the corresponding return address.

This solution allows the application to be lightweight by not using polling. Each task is responsible for sending a result notification, which relieves the burden on the API serving application itself.

The application provides the following types of tasks:

  • fibonacci_task - calculates the Fibonacci number for the given number
  • sleep_task - sleeps for the given number of seconds
  • prime_task - checks if the given number is prime

There is possibility to view the status of the task and the result of its execution.


  • containerized using Dockerfile and Docker Compose
  • uses FastAPI
  • uses Celery task queueing with RabbitMQ as a broker and Redis as a backend
  • endpoint /api/tasks handles multiple inquiries to this address
  • task status through API


  • add priority queue for notification tasks
  • Add k8s deployment (e.g. using Kompose)
  • Set scaling strategy
  • write Celery tests


  • /api/tasks
    • POST - add task to the queue
    • GET - get all tasks
  • /api/tasks/<id>
    • GET - get task status by id

Example requests:

  • Hello, World!
Accept: application/json
  "task": "nask"
  • Add task to queue:

sleep task

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "type": "sleep",
    "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
    "payload": {
        "input": 30
  "type": "sleep",
  "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
  "payload": {
    "input": 30
  "id": "cf094e85-84ec-41b1-8fce-c7194ae51f05",
  "status": null,
  "result": null

fibonacci task

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "type": "fibonacci",
    "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
    "payload": {
        "input": 30
  "type": "fibonacci",
  "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
  "payload": {
    "input": 30
  "id": "2bf85c35-830d-405c-93b3-15ccf2eee722",
  "status": null,
  "result": null
  • Get task status by id:
Accept: application/json
  "type": "sleep",
  "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
  "payload": {
    "input": 30
  "id": "cf094e85-84ec-41b1-8fce-c7194ae51f05",
  "status": "PENDING",
  "result": null
  • Get all tasks in queue:
Accept: application/json
  "tasks": [
      "type": "sleep",
      "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
      "payload": {
        "input": 30
      "id": "cf094e85-84ec-41b1-8fce-c7194ae51f05",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "result": 30
    }, {
      "type": "fibonacci",
      "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
      "payload": {
        "input": 30
      "id": "2bf85c35-830d-405c-93b3-15ccf2eee722",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "result": 832040
  • Send notification when task is completed:
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "type": "sleep",
    "notify_url": "http://nask-task-app:8000/",
    "payload": {
        "input": 30
    "id": "cf094e85-84ec-41b1-8fce-c7194ae51f05",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "result": 30
  "status": "ok"


  • python 3.10
  • docker
  • docker-compose-plugin (optional)

Running the application with Docker Compose

This method doesn't require any local dependencies to be installed beforehand (except docker and docker-compose-plugin).

Build nask_task_app custom docker image:

docker-compose build

Download images & run all containers:

docker compose up

Now you can access the API at http://localhost:8000.

Feel free to use example requests mentioned above or stored in requests.http

The docs for the API are available at http://localhost:8000/docs.

There is also flower instance available at http://localhost:5555 and RabbitMQ Management interface at http://localhost:15672.

Running with dependencies with Docker and application locally

Run Docker services

Run redis with docker:

docker run -p 6379:6379 --name nask-task-redis -d redis

To test if Redis is up and running, run:

docker exec -it nask-task-redis redis-cli ping

Run RabbitMQ with docker:

docker run -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 --name nask-task-rabbit -d rabbitmq:management

Test if RabbitMQ is up and running, run:

docker exec -it nask-task-rabbit rabbitmqctl status

Installing local dependencies

To install dependencies for nask_task_app run:

pip install -r nask_task_app/requirements.txt

To be able to run test, also install dev packages:

pip install -r nask_task_app/requirements-dev.txt

To run celery worker run:

celery -A nask_task_app.src.main.celery worker -l info

To run flower (celery monitoring tool) run:

celery -A nask_task_app.src.main.celery flower

To run nask_task_app run:

uvicorn nask_task_app.src.main:app --reload --env-file .envs/.dev 


To run test along with other tools (yapf, flake8, coverage) run:
