
My first gulp script to create a simple webpage with ES2015, postcss and livereload


  1. git clone
  2. (npm install gulp -g)
  3. npm install
  4. add sources/js/index.js
  5. define config.paths in gulpfile.js
  6. Do not forget to add the references of your css and javascript into your html

gulp commands

  • html : moves html from /sources to /build/*.html
  • js : builds sources/js/**/.js with browserify to (config.path.js)/app.js (react + es2015 + sourcemaps)
  • css : moves /sources/css/**/.css to (config.path.css)
  • postcss : builds sources/postcss/**/.css with postcss to (config.path.css)/index.css (nested + variables + autoprefixer + sourcemaps)
  • build : runs html, js, css, postcss
  • serve lunch local webserver with livereload on port 3000

options : --production : adds minify and uglify for javascript + cleans option for postcss