
Android ART Hook/Native Inline Hook(No backup) - support 4.4 - 10.0 32/64 bit - Xposed API Compat

Primary LanguageJava


Android ART Hook





中文 Blog

arch support

  • ARM64
  • ARM32(no tested)
  • Thumb-2


4.4(ART Runtime) - 10.0


  • Object Methods
  • Static Methods
  • Constructors
  • System Methods
  • JNI Methods

hook abstract method is not recommended, you can invoke its impl method.

cant hook if lined

how to use

implementation 'com.swift.sandhook:hooklib:3.1.0'

Annotation API

  • hook method must be a static method
  • first par must be this if method is not static
  • method description must "same"(can be isAssignableFrom) with origin method
  • backup method same with above
public class ActivityHooker {

    static Method onCreateBackup;

    static HookWrapper.HookEntity onPauseBackup;

    public static void onCreate(Activity thiz, Bundle bundle) throws Throwable {
        Log.e("ActivityHooker", "hooked onCreate success " + thiz);
        SandHook.callOriginByBackup(onCreateBackup, thiz, bundle);

    public static void onPause(@ThisObject Activity thiz) throws Throwable {
        Log.e("ActivityHooker", "hooked onPause success " + thiz);


//or like this:

public class NewAnnotationApiHooker {

    public static void onTestNewHookApi(@ThisObject TestClass thiz, @Param("com.swift.sandhook.MainActivity") Activity activity, int a) {
        Log.e("TestClassHook", "testNewHookApi been hooked");
        onTestNewHookApiBackup(thiz, activity, a);

    public static void onTestNewHookApiBackup(@ThisObject TestClass thiz, @Param("com.swift.sandhook.MainActivity") Activity activity, int a) {
        onTestNewHookApiBackup(thiz, activity, a);


//first set debuggable
SandHookConfig.DEBUG = BuildConfig.DEBUG;


//add hookers
SandHook.addHookClass(CtrHook.class, LogHooker.class, CustmizeHooker.class, ActivityHooker.class, ObjectHooker.class);

you can also use:
SanHook.public static boolean hook(Member target, Method hook, Method backup) {}

if hookers is in plugin(like xposed):

provided 'com.swift.sandhook:hookannotation:3.1.0'

in your plugin

if OS <= 5.1 backup method can call itself to avoid be inlining

Xposed API

Now you can use Xposed api:

implementation 'com.swift.sandhook:xposedcompat:3.1.0'
//setup for xposed
XposedCompat.cacheDir = getCacheDir();
XposedCompat.context = this;
XposedCompat.classLoader = getClassLoader();
XposedCompat.isFirstApplication= true;  
//do hook
XposedHelpers.findAndHookMethod(Activity.class, "onResume", new XC_MethodHook() {
      protected void beforeHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
          Log.e("XposedCompat", "beforeHookedMethod: " + param.method.getName());

      protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
          Log.e("XposedCompat", "afterHookedMethod: " + param.method.getName());


Call Origin


when OS >= 8.0 you must call backup method in hook method, if you want call it in other method, please call SandHook.compileMethod(otherMethod) before call backup method.

because when ART trigger JIT from profiling, JIT will invoke -> ResolveCompilingMethodsClass -> ClassLinker::ResolveMethod -> CheckIncompatibleClassChange -> ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeError finally!!!

Disable Inline

JIT inline

We can do nothing to prevent some methods been inlined before app start, but we can try to disable VM Jit Inline after launch.

if you will hook some method that could be inlined, please call SandHook.disableVMInline()(OS >= 7.0) in Application.OnCreate()

Inline by dex2oat

Background dex2oat


dex2oat by DexClassLoader



ArtDexOptimizer.dexoatAndDisableInline to dex2oat manuly

Deoptimize(Boot Image)

You can also deoptimize a caller that inlined your hook method by SandHook.deCompile(caller), just implement >= 7.0

Hidden API


To bypass hidden api on P & Q

Native Hook

#include "includes/sandhook.h"

// can not call origin method now
bool nativeHookNoBackup(void* origin, void* hook);



non-Root Xposed Environment Demo (VirtualApp with SandHook):


EdXposed(SandHook Brunch)

Unofficial xposed framework >= 8.0

See release above


Android Q(10.0)

in MyApp.java

//if you want test Android Q, please set true, because SDK_INT of Android Q is still 28 public final static boolean testAndroidQ = false;
