
a jQuery plugin that implements a UI control to let users pick a specific time of one or more weekdays

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A week scheduler widget, ideal to be used as a popup to schedule an event to occur at a given time and days in week.

Build Status


Initialize with:

    <div id="widget"></div>

Destroy with:



For live demos please visit the project webpage:


For a Quick Start, step-by-step guide, have a look at the source html of the following file:


Options and Callbacks

Option Type Default Description
localization object see below localization of the widget, including months and day names
minutesPrecision number 15 the granularity of the minutes picker, the default is indicating to schedule at the 15th minute of the hour
singleDaySelect boolean false whether to allow only one day (rather than multiple days) to be selected
startDate Date new Date() the day of the week we want to start from in the week picker
endDate Date a date object ending one month later than startDate the day of the week we want to end to in the week picker
firstDayOfWeek number 1 what day is the first day of the week for you; 0 = sunday 6 = saturday
lastDayOfWeek number 0 what day is the last day of the week for you; 0 = sunday 6 = saturday
hideOnStart boolean false whether to hide the widget at start time
onBeforeShow function function () { return true; } a callback called before the widget is shown
onAfterShow function function () { } a callback called after the widget is shown
onBeforeHide function function () { return true; } a callback called before the widget is hidden
onAfterHide function function () { } a callback called after the widget is hidden

The localization option default is too long to fit in the table. But it looks like this:

localization: {
    title: 'Schedule item',
    week: 'Week',
    days: 'Days',
    time: 'Time',
    hour: 'Hour',
    minute: 'Minute',
    confirm: 'Add',
    cancel: 'Cancel',
    to: 'to',
     * Must start with the first day specified in
     * firstDayOfWeek and end with the one corresponding to
     * lastDayOfWeek 
     * */
    dayNames: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
    monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
        'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
        'November', 'December'

Events thrown

You can listen on the following events via something like $("#widget").on("onConfirm.weekSchedulerWidget", function () { ... });

Events Data Description
onConfirm.weekSchedulerWidget none user clicked confirm
onCancel.weekSchedulerWidget none user clicked cancel
onWeekSelected.weekSchedulerWidget none user changed week from the dropdown


Method Argument Description
show None show the widget
hide None hide the widget
setSingleDaySelect boolean change the aspect of the widget allowing selection of single and multiple items
getSelectedDates None get the current selection of the user represented as an array of Date objects
getSelection None get the current selection of the user in the form of an object
setDates Array[Date] set the current selection via an array of Dates
setDatesWithState Array[Date] set the current selection via an array of { date: Date object, state: "indeterminate" or "checked" }
setDays Array[number] select the currently selected days (takes an array of days to select like [3, 5, 6] where 0=sunday and 6=saturday)
setDaysWithState Array[object] same as setDays, but an array of { day: number, state: "indeterminate" /* or "checked" */ } is passed
setHour number select the given hour
setMinutes number select the given minutes
setWeek Date select the week in which the given Date object falls
destroy None destroys the widget


See index.html in docs/ directory


jQuery 1.6.4+


Copyright (c) 2014 Savio Dimatteo

Licensed under the MIT license.