
The program is a simple password manager implemented in Java using Swing for the graphical user interface. It allows users to encrypt and decrypt passwords using a master password. The passwords are encrypted using AES encryption with CBC mode and PKCS5Padding.

Primary LanguageJava


The program is a password manager implemented in Java using Swing for the graphical user interface. It allows users to encrypt and decrypt passwords using a master password. The passwords are encrypted and decrypted using AES encryption with CBC mode and PKCS5Padding.


  1. Encryption and Decryption: Users can encrypt their passwords using a master password and decrypt them when needed.
  2. File Storage: Encrypted passwords are stored in a file named "encrypted_password.txt" for future reference.
  3. AES Encryption: The application utilizes AES encryption with CBC mode and PKCS5 padding to ensure robust security.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The GUI provides a simple and intuitive way for users to interact with the decryption functionality.

How to Use:

Encryption: --Enter your master password and the password you want to encrypt. --Click the "Encrypt" button. --The encrypted password will be displayed, and it will also be saved to the file "encrypted_password.txt".

Decryption: --Enter your master password and the encrypted password. --Click the "Decrypt" button. --The decrypted password will be displayed.

How to Use: Password Decrypt Manager GUI only for decryption. --Enter your master password and the encrypted password you want to decrypt. --Click the "Decrypt" button. --The decrypted password will be displayed in the designated field.

Installation: --Clone the repository to your local machine. --Open the project in your preferred Java IDE. --Compile and run the PasswordManagerGUI.java file. --Compile and run the PasswordDecryptManagerGUI.java file.

Contributors: Gautam kumar Sinha

License: This project is licensed under the None.