
Bootloader for stm32f107vc cpu, Read firmware from sdcard and write to internal flash

Primary LanguageC

STM32F107 Bootloader - firmware loader from sd-card

stm32cube based firmware bootloader for mkstft28 originally, should be easy to port - initial files from stmcube maker

Getting Started

load into platformio and build - write compiled .vio/build/mkstft28.bin to 0x8000000 or 0x0 (both same) or use ctrl+alt+u to upload via debugger automagicly


Most configuration is in boot_conf.h uses spi1 and uart1 by default hard coded into main.c/spisd_diskio.c etc

add -DDEBUG to build+flags in platformio.ini for usart /debug info, default usart for MKS is TXD/RXD on wifi port

Complementry software

The firmware this is designed to work with is found here https://github.com/darkspr1te/MKSTFT_Marlin_Touch

With Thanks to

https://github.com/robotsrulz/ - source for spisd_diskio patches ?? Roman Stepanov - original source for bootloader ??


A lot of copy pasta code here - various licenses apply


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc