
ModX package for creating dynamic image thumbnails

Primary LanguagePHP


Extra: phpThumbsUp

Version: 1.1.2 Developed By: Darkstar Design (info@darkstardesign.com)

phpThumbsUp is a MODX addon that manipulates source images to create thumbnails. You can use phpThumbsUp to create thumbnails images for galleries, automatically size user-uploaded images for mobile devices, or automatically add complex image filters to photos. It's based on the popular phpThumbOf package, with a few key differences. The snippet uses the exact same syntax as phpThumbOf, so you can simply replace your :phpThumbOf=... calls with :phpThumbsUp=...

Key Features

  • System setting to create thumbnails when an image is uploaded via the file manager instead of on page render.

  • Optional support for responsive layouts. If enabled, smaller images will be served for devices with smaller screen sizes (phones, tablets, etc).

  • System setting to clear the phpThumbsUp cache when the site cache is cleared.

  • Creates thumbnails via a plugin rather then a snippet, meaning a page does not have to wait on a thumbnail to be created before it is displayed.

  • Thumbnails are created based on URLs (i.e. mysite.com/phpthumbsup/w/400/h/300/zc/1/src/path/to/image.jpg) instead of snippet calls, making it easy to dynamically create thumbnails on the fly.

  • For a full list of features, see http://www.darkstardesign.com/resources/phpthumbsup


Installation is straightforward. Install the package through the MODX manager under System => Package Management.


*** URL ***

phpThumbsUp uses a specific URL format to know when it needs to create thumbnails. By default, any url path starting with phpthumbsup tells phpThumbsUp "this is a thumbnail" (you can change this to whatever you want in system settings). The next part of the URL specifies the filters. These are the exact same filters used by phpThumbOf, as they are passed to the MODX service modPhpThumb. /src/ is used to specify the end of the filters and beginning of the path to the image.

A quick example:

mysite.com/phpthumbsup/w/400/h/300/zc/1/src/path/to/image.jpg [1. base_url][ 2. filters ] [ 3. image url ]

  1. /phpthumbsup is how we know this is a thumbnail. This is required at the beginning of every thumbnail
  2. /w/400/h/300/zc/1 are the filters passed to modPhpThumb
  3. /src specifies the end of the filters and beginning of the path to the image /path/to/image.jpg is the url that would be used to access the image (relative to site root)

*** Snippet ***

For those of you used to using phpThumbOf, there is a snippet that accepts the exact same input as phpThumbOf and converts it to the correct URL format. For example, [[*image:phpThumbsUp=w=400&h=300&zc=1]] will generate the above URL format for you.

*** File Manager ***

One of the key features of phpThumbsUp is the ability to automatically create thumbnails when an image is uploaded via the file manager instead of when a page is rendered. To enable this, you simply need to define filters and paths in the system settings phpthumbsup.auto_create using a phpThumbsUp URL. Separate multiple directories with a colon.

Example (notice you DO NOT include the /phpthumbsup part at the beginning):


This would create thumbnails 400x300 and 800xAuto anytime an image is uploaded to /path/to/dir (relative to site root)

*** Responsive Layouts ***

Starting with version 1.1.0, phpThumbsUp has an optional setting to detect the screen size of the device being used when requesting a thumb and generate smaller images for devices with smaller screen sizes. Javascript is used to store the client's screen size. When an image is requested, phpThumbsUp will check the clients screen size and automatically adjust the width/height of the image based on thresholds defined in the setting phpthumbsup.responsive_threshold. For example, the default thresholds are 480 and 1024. So if the client is using a phone with a screen size of 320 pixels and an image was requested with a width of 800, phpThumbsUp will adjust the width to 480 (the closest threshold value greater than or equal to screen size).

System Settings

There are system settings available to customize phpThumbsUp to your needs. As a general rule, DO NOT edit the path settings unless you are an advanced user of MODX and have a customized installation.

  • phpthumbsup.auto_create

    • colon separated list of directories using phpThumbsUp URL format example: /w/400/h/300/zc/1/src/assets/images/gallery (this creates a thumb zoom-cropped to 400x300 anytime an image is uploaded to /assets/images/gallery)
  • phpthumbsup.base_url

    • the first part of phpThumbsUp URL (default: phpthumbsup/)
  • phpthumbsup.clear_cache

    • should thumbnail cache be cleared when site cache is cleared? (default: yes)
  • phpthumbsup.cache_path

    • the path to the phpThumbsUp cache
  • phpthumbsup.core_path

    • the core path to phpThumbsUp
  • phpthumbsup.available_options

    • a comma-separated list of available options
  • phpthumbsup.available_filters

    • a comma-separated list of available filters
  • phpthumbsup.responsive

    • if set, phpthumbsup will try to limit image sizes to device screen size based on your thresholds
  • phpthumbsup.responsive_threshold

    • a comma-separated list of thresholds for device screen sizes
  • phpthumbsup.default

    • default settings for all thumbs example: zc=1&fltr[]=gray (all images are zoom-cropped and converted to black and white by default)