
Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery Review With ES6!

But First - ES6 Summary:

We just learned about a few of the essential parts of ES6 (aka JS 2015), the newer version of javascript that is wildly WILDLY popular. In ES6 we learned about:

  • const - we use const to declare variables that we don't want to change. If someone tries to reassign a variable that was declared as const, javascript will say, "NO". However, if a const variable is an object or array you can change it, you just can't reassign it to a brand new array or object.

  • let - we use let to declare variables that we know are going to be changed. We also use let when we want to have a variable that has "block scope". Block scope is like function scope, but allows variables to be scoped within for loops, if statements, etc.

  • () => {} - arrow functions are the ES6 way of declaring functions. If an arrow function takes in parameters it looks like: (param1, param2) => {}. Arrow functions are there to let us write nice, tidy functions so we can type less and do more. Other cool things about arrow functions:

    A "standard" arrow function looks like this:

    const addTwo = (num) => {
      return num + 2;

    But if you want to, with an arrow function you can write it all on one line like this:

    const addTwo = (num) => num + 2;

    and it will do exactly the same thing!

    When an arrow function is written on one line you don't need to use {} and you don't need return. The arrow function will automatically return what is on that line!!


jQuery Review (with ES6):


You are given an html, js, and css page.


The index.html is already connected to the javascript file and the css file. The jQuery CDN has already been loaded in.

There is a button for "Decepticons" and a button for "Autobots". There is also a div with the class name display.


The main.js has the data needed to complete this task as a const called transformers. This data is in the format of an array of objects.

The main.js file has already been set up with $(document).ready


We are going to create a simple transformers filter app. There will be 2 buttons: one labeled "decepticons" and one labeled "autobots". Clicking on autobots button should clear the display of any transformers and then render only the transformers with team: 'Autobot' to the display div. Clicking on the "decepticons" button should clear the display of any transformers in there and append all the transformers with team: 'Decepticons'.

Each rendered transformer should be:

  • in it's own div.
  • at the top of the div there should be a header with the bots name.
  • below the name there should be an image of the transformer.
  • below the image have a <ul> tag that has the "form" and "team" as seperate <li> tags inside.

IMPORTANT - This should all be done in ES6!!!

Be mindful about applying best practices when using ES6. Using const and let purposefully, using one-line arrow functions when possible, etc.

Bonus - Style with Flexbox

Make that super cool app super pretty! Use flexbox to style the display div so the cards are laid out on a grid. Make the cards flexboxes too!