
A program that downloads all Humble Trove games for you.

Primary LanguagePython

Humble Trove Downloader

HumbleTrove is used to create a complete backup of your entire Humble Trove library.

If you've downloaded a game already, it will only download updates for the game.


Your Python version must be at least 3.6, but newer versions are much appreciated.

You must clone the repository, then install our prerequisities using Python's pip utility.

git clone https://github.com/darktohka/HumbleTrove
cd HumbleTrove

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


In order to run the program, you must provide the _simpleauth_sess cookie.

First, create a cookie.txt file in the root directory, next to the requirements.txt file. After that, you'll have to find your _simpleauth_sess cookie.

Log into Humble Bundle first!

On Chrome, simply open Chrome's Dev Tools using Ctrl+Shift+I, then press the Application tab, and navigate to Cookies under Storage.

Find _simpleauth_sess in the table, and copy its value into the cookie.txt file you created.


On Windows, simply run start.bat to download all games from your Humble Trove.

There is another utility, verify.bat, which will complete a full hash verification of your game library. This operation takes a long time, however, and is only recommended if you have corrupt game files.

You can also run the program directly from the shell:

  • To download all games for your platform: python -m humbletrove.HumbleTrove
  • To download and verify all games for your platform: python -m humbletrove.HumbleTrove --verify
  • To download all games on all platforms: python -m humbletrove.HumbleTrove --windows --linux --mac

Feel free to mix those options together if needed!