#budhud A Team Fortress 2 HUD built from the base hud and elements of rays' hud, with Fog's and whayay's crosshairs added in.
Note: If you plan to make changes to the hud, it is best to use Notepad++ (for proper file formatting): http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
####STEAM: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/budhud
To download this hud, click the "Download ZIP" button to the right. Alternatively, click this: https://github.com/WhiskerBiscuit/budhud/archive/master.zip
After extracting the hud, navigate to: \Steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\custom\
and move the "budhud" folder into your custom folder (NOT "budhud-master").
Your directory should then look like this: \Steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\custom\budhud
and contain materials
, resource
, and scripts
. The _Customization_
folder can be deleted or stored somewhere else if you intend to use files from it.
Please note that I use a developmental branch for revision history, but that it is not considered release candidate.
Health, ammo, damage account, and crosshair colors can be changed in \budhud\resource\clientscheme.res
To access the custom crosshairs, navigate to \budhud\scripts\hudlayout.res
. I've included whayay's, fog's, Garm3n's & konr's crosshairs. To view the available crosshairs, navigate to _Customization_\Custom Crosshairs
. You can also find instructions on use there. For an in-depth explanation of custom crosshairs, check out this guide: http://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=23
Whayay's crosshairs can be seen in \budhud\_Customization_\whayay's crosshairs.png
. Note the letter underneath the crosshair you want to use. Then, go to your hudlayout.res and find "labeltext" under the first section at the top. Change "f" to whatever letter is associated with the crosshair you would like to use.
To modify the damage color for whayay's crosshair, navigate to \budhud\resource\clientscheme.res
and find the crosshairs section.
Fog's crosshairs can be seen in budhud\_Customization_\Fog's crosshairs.png
. Note the number or letter underneath the crosshair you want to use. Then, go to your hudlayout.res and search under the "Fog's Crosshairs" header for the appropriate crosshair entry. I don't want to complicate this too much, but if you're having a hard time finding the correct crosshair, the "labelText" value in every section of code pairs with the same value assigned to the crosshairs in the picture included. The scattergun spread, for instance, is assigned a 0, and its section of code (ScatterSpread) has a labelText value of 0.
To enable uber percentage showing below your crosshair, navigate to \budhud\resource\ui\hudmediccharge.res
and set visible
and enabled
for ChargeLabelNearCrosshair
to 1.
If you'd like to disable the health cross, navigate to \budhud\resource\ui\hudplayerhealth.res
and set visible
and enabled
for PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage
, PlayerStatusHealthImage
, and PlayerStatusHealthImageBG
to 0.