
The most convenient way to debug applications

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The most convenient way to debug applications

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In this article, I will show you an interesting way to debug applications. This is somewhat different from the usual methods that you use in your daily work.

How do we debug today

  • 🖨️ Print to stdout
  • ▶️ Step-by-step debugger in IDE
  • 🔙 Maybe even time-travel debugger
  • 📜 Viewing logs

Disadvantages of current debug techniqes

🖨️ Print to stdout

  • 🐌 Slower debug performance
  • ↔️ Context switch between your code and stdout
  • 🔁 Often need to rerun your program again and again

▶️ Step-by-step debugger in IDE

  • 🐌 Slower debug performance
  • 🔁 Often need to rerun your program again and again

🔙 Time-travel debugger

  • 🏋️ Often very hard to implement
  • 💲 Often not free

📜 Viewing logs

  • 🐌 Slower debug performance
  • ↔️ Context switch between your code and logs

Another way to debug - Smart Logs


As you see on the screenshot, Smart Logs attached to functions and trace call of every function: parameters, response, possible error and so on. Pros:

  • 🚀 Faster debug performance
  • 🤝 No context switch between your code and logs
  • 😊 No need to run the program again and again

Implementation example

Further we will see an implementation example. It's based on JavaScript/TypeScript and Node.js runtime, but it can be implemented on lot programming languages and runtimes. VSCode used as IDE, but other IDE should be suitable too for this purpose.



import { locate } from 'func-loc';
import { appendFile, mkdir } from 'fs/promises';
import endent from 'endent';

const ln = fn => {
  return function (...params) {
    const resp = fn.apply(this, params);

    Promise.allSettled([locate(fn), resp]).then(async ([loc, respOrErr]) => {
      await mkdir(`${process.cwd()}/.vscode/linenote`, { recursive: true });
      await appendFile(
        loc.value.path.replace(process.cwd(), `${process.cwd()}/.vscode/linenote`) + `#L${loc.value.line}.md`,
          params: ${params},
          ${respOrErr.value ? `response: ${respOrErr.value}` : `error: ${respOrErr.reason}`}

    return resp;
  • ln (alias to line note) is wrapper of target function fn
  • ln intercepts parameters and response of fn or possible error inside fn
  • ln reflects fn location in code
  • using fn code location, ln create/append Line Note file on proper line with paramaters and response of fn in content

By the way

  • In code above ☝️ parameters and response interpolated to string "as is". On real production code you deal with complex JSON structures, which should be properly serialized
  • You can add your own additional info: duration, timestamp and so on
  • You can write TypeScript class decorator, which wrap all class methods for Smart Logs support
  • On example used FILO via appendFile, but with https://github.com/hemanth/node-prepend-file you can change to FIFO
  • You may get EBUSY error via concurrent access to same Line Note file. This sutation can be fixed via repeat strategy, using something like https://github.com/sindresorhus/p-retry
  • You can write custom import to Smart Logs. For example: ELK logs -> Smart Logs

What about compiled to JavaScript languages like TypeScript?

func-loc supports source maps https://github.com/midrissi/func-loc#using-source-maps

What about frontend?

func-loc uses Node.js inspector underhood https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v17.x/docs/api/inspector.html

But despite this, I think you can use Smart Logs with frontend using Electron, which support Node.js API and Browser API simuateniously https://www.electronjs.org/

What if my programming language / runtime can't reflect function location dynamically?

Maybe it can reflect function location statically via compiler/transpiler/macro and so on.