A simple generator (for Yeoman) to scaffolding web applications, just frontend stack.
Writed in Ecma Script 6!! And follow JS patterns (John Papa case you scaffold a Angular application)
If you use old versions of this module, maybe you want create an Node.js Api. This stack is migrated to a new module called generator-nude.
Gulp (because it's fast! Thanks to the node streams.)
- lint scripts (using eslint)
- dependency injection
- compile (and/or validate) template views
- autoprefixer css properties
- compile preprocessors
- sourcemaps to preprocessors and scripts
- livereload (with Browsersync)
- sprite images from png's (with spritesmith and pngsmith)
- concatenation and minification (styles and scripts)
- watch files, to running all tasks automatically
- compile es6 client scripts to es5 with Babel
- ngAnnotate (to Angular)