
a complete and responsive interface for web

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status MIT Licence


A UI Kit for Web, based in web components (using Custom Elements), ready to be used with or without any framework.

npm install minimalist-ui

How it works

Each component in minimalist, has a single core writed with a ES6 class, following the Custom Elements API v1 and providing a complete style ready to be used or customized using CSS Variables.

All is designed to allow inheritance between components, e.g. <mn-input-text> defines a input text in appearance and behaviors like a disabled state. But if you need a input number, <mn-input-number> extends mn-input-text style and common behaviors, but implements new features like increment/decrement using arrow keys, or min/max parameters.

Each feature is built with three things in mind

  • keep it simple
  • respect different framework architectures
  • identity can be changed totally