Docker container for siwapp sf1
Dockerfile to build a siwapp container image.
Warning! It uses non-official siwapp branch (fork) darneta/siwapp-sf1 due to easy setup support and various modifications.
Current Version: 0.5.2
Pull the image from the docker index.
docker pull darneta/siwapp-sf1:latest
Step 1. Start containers
docker-compose up
Step 2. Get siwapp container ip address
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dockersiwappsf1_siwapp_1
Step 3. Install siwapp (if not already installed)
Point your browser to http://ip-from-previous-step
and complete the installation. Database prameters will be set from mysql container so just click next.
- DB_HOST: The database server hostname.
- DB_PORT: The database server port.
- DB_NAME: The database name.
- DB_USER: The database user.
- DB_PASS: The database password.
- SMTP_USER: The SMTP user.
- SMTP_PASS: The SMTP pass.
- SMTP_HOST: The SMTP host.
- SMTP_PORT: The SMTP port.