Terraform Oktawave Provider

Terraform provider for Oktawave Cloud.

How to install and use:

  1. Compile project using
go build -o terraform-provider-oktawave.exe
  1. Create config file witf .tf file extension.

  2. Locate files terraform-provider-oktawave.exe, terraform.exe and you cfg.tf file in the same directory.

  3. Run terraform via command line using

terraform init && terraform apply
  1. To delete infrastructure use
terraform destroy
  1. To update version of provider to the new one drop new terraform-provider-oktawave.exe file to directory with terraform.exe and use
terraform init

List of supported resources:

1. oktawave_oci

2. oktawave_ovs

3. oktawave_group

4. oktawave_ip_address

5. oktawave_load_balancer

6. oktawave_opn

7. oktawave_ssheky

List of supported data sources:

1. oktawave_oci returns OCI ID

You can generate access_token using curl:

curl -k -X POST -d "grant_type=password&username=youremail&password=yourpassword&scope=oktawave.api" -u "client_id:client_secret" 'https://id.oktawave.com/core/connect/token'

Where can i find examples?

You can find examples at projects directory /tf_config_examples and /tf_config_examples/complex_usage

Where can i find documentation for provider?

You can find documentation for particular resource of provider in example config file at projects directory /tf_config_examples