NAME SendmailAnalyzer - Sendmail/Postfix log analyzer DESCRIPTION SendmailAnalyzer as its name suggests is a Sendmail log analyzer. It processes maillog files and generates dynamic statistics in HTML and graphical output. The reports are generated in real time so that it lets you know at any moment what is going on your mail servers. It uses time (hour, day, month and year views) and cross-linked navigation for easy use. SendmailAnalyzer is easy to install and highly configurable to match the dozen of Sendmail possible configurations. It also supports report for all the major milter or sendmail filters like SpamAssassin, MailScanner, Clamav, etc. Collected data is stored in flat files that are automatically archived or deleted to keep disk space. All reports before the current day are cached to save system resources and are displayed in the 1 second into your browser. SendmailAnalyzer can be run on a home dedicated mail server, on multiple enterprise mail servers and on ISP mail servers for free. His low resources usage allow SendmailAnalyzer appliance embedding. Since version 8.0 the caching mechanism has a very low memory footprint as well as the reports views. This is the most advanced and complete statistics tool dedicated to the great Sendmail MTA. It's goal is not to support any kind of MTA or other log format but only being a full featured tool for Sendmail users and administrators. If you're searching something more general take a look at SawMill, it's not so bad :-) POSTFIX SUPPORT SendmailAnalyzer is a statistical dedicated tool for Sendmail and it is very good in this task. As many people asked me to have such free tool for the Postfix MTA, Since release v7.0 SendmailAnalyzer now also supports the Postfix mail.log statistics report. Postfix is now fully supported, if you have any issues or unsupported features please let me know. Note that as I don't use Postfix I may ask you for log files to reproduce some issues or develop features. FEATURES It reports all you ever wanted to know about email trafic on your network. Global Statistics All the following reports also show statistics per bytes and average of bytes per message. * Number of inbound messages. * Number of outbound messages. * Number of inbound spams. * Number of outbound spams. * Number of inbound virus. * Number of outbound virus. * Sendmail rejection rules flow. * Syserr flow (Sendmail error messages). * Sendmail DSN Flow (Delivery Status Notification) * The global MTA status allocation per messages, bytes and percentage. * Distributed messages coming from Internet. * Distributed messages sent internaly. * Distributed messages sent to Internet. * Distributed messages coming from and going to Internet. * Sendmail SMTP Auth statistics by type (server or client), mechanismi and user. * Postgrey usage statistics. If you deliver marqued spam / virus to recipients, SendmailAnalyzer will report the delivery flow for: * Spam / virus coming from Internet. * Spam / virus sent internaly. * Spam / virus sent to Internet. * Spam / virus coming from and going to Internet. Note: In the report you will see 'local' inbound or outbound message, that mean a mail coming from (sender relay) or going to (recipient relay) the mail server. This is not the same that internal, which mean coming from or sent to your internal network / private domain. Top Statistics Once you have defined in the configuration file the Top Max statistics to show (25 by default), the Max Recipient for a message (25 by default), the message Size Max (5Mb by default) you will see the top statistics of: * Top sender domain, top sender relay, top sender address. * Top recipient domain, top recipient relay, top recipients address. * Top spams rules, top spammers domain, top spammers relays, top spammers address, top spam recipients address. * Top virus name, top virus sender, top virus sender relay, top virus recipient address, top infected filename. * Top DSN status, top DSN sender, top DSN Relay, top DSN recipient address. * Top rejection rules, top rejected domain, top rejected relay, top rejected sender, top rejection status. * Top Sendmail Error messages. * Top max number of recipient for one message. * Top max size message with number of recipients and sender address. * Top Sendmail SMTP Auth mechanisms, relays and users (server or client). * Top Postgrey status, relay, senders and recipients. Note: on daily view you can click on each of the reported element to see the detailed information. For example if you follow link on a sender relay you will see all messages detailled information coming from that relay. This kind of navigation is only available for the days of the current month to keep disk space, memory usage and privacy. ISP like feature Begining at version 4.0 of SendmailAnalyzer some features could be related to an ISP like environment and allow statistics on very huge SMTP flow: * Support centralized maillog for multiple Sendmail serveurs througth rsyslog. * Support per domain reports with user access control. * Support per user reports. Each user can see is own statistics. (Removed in v5.0 until now) * Low memory usage, small disk space utilization and really speed with daily caching. * Support parsing of compressed maillog file. Milter / Filter supported SendmailAnalyzer supports some of the most used milter and filter for spam and virus filtering. If you don't find yours drop me a line and it will be included. * MimeDefang Spam and Virus reports * Amavis Spam / Virus detection * Clamav virus detection * Jchkmail Spam / Virus report * MailScanner Spam / virus detection * SpamAssassin Spam detection (spamd output) * Sendmail DNSLB report (check_relay) * Sendmail DSN (Delivery Status Notification) * DNSLB-Milter Spam detection If your one is not listed here and you can send me some relevant maillog lines I can add his support in a day. New features If you need new features and support for new/other milters or filters, let me know. This helps a lot to develop a better/useful tool. This piece of software is widely used at my work (espacially for IT report) but this reflects only a part of the Sendmail usage. Internationalization SendmailAnalyzer can be translated to any language with your contribution. At this time supported language are: French, English, Spanish, Bulgarian, German. If you want to add your own language, it's really simple, take a look in the cgi-bin/lang/ directory and send me the translation file. REQUIREMENT SendmailAnalyzer can work in any platform where Sendmail and Perl could run. What you need is a modern Perl distribution - 5.8.x or more is good, but older versions should also work. You need the Apache Web server to be installed and running sudo apt install apache2 or sudo yum install httpd You need the following Perl modules. If they are not yet include in your OS distribution you can always find them at CGI MIME::Base64; MIME::QuotedPrint; Those modules are normaly already included in Perl core modules on modern distributions. On Debian like distributions: sudo apt install libcgi-pm-perl On RPM based distribution: sudo yum install perl-CGI The graph output is generated using the flotr2 javascript library so no need to install additional library or package, you just need a modern browser. INSTALLATION Generic install Here are the generic installation steps, but if you want you can create and install your own distribution package, see "Package install" bellow. 1) Unpack the distribution tarball in the desired location as follow: tar xzf sendmailanalyzer-x.x.tar.gz cd sendmailanalyzer-x.x/ perl Makefile.PL make && make install 2) Follow the instructions given at the end of install. With this default install everything will be installed under /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer. 3) Edit sendmailanalyzer.conf file to customize your SendmailAnalyzer reports. See the configuration file and CONFIGURATION section bellow for usage. Post install 1. Start SendmailAnalyzer daemon with: /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sendmailanalyzer -f or use one of the starters script provided in the start_scripts/ directory. 2. Modify your Apache2 configuration to allow access to CGI scripts like follow: Alias /sareport /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/www <Directory /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/www> Options ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi DirectoryIndex sa_report.cgi #-- Some browser might need this line (Chrome, Safari) Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" #-- Apache 2.2 #Order deny,allow #Deny from all #Allow from #-- Apache 2.4 Require all denied Require ip </Directory> If necessary, give additional host access to SendmailAnalyzer. To be able to use Header directive be sure that header module is enabled: a2enmod headers 3. If necessary, give additional host access to SendmailAnalyzer. Restart and ensure that httpd is running. 4. Browse to to ensure that things are working properly. 5. Setup a cronjob to run sa_cache and restart SendmailAnalyzer daemon after maillog logrotate as follow: # SendmailAnalyzer log reporting daily cache 0 1 * * * /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sa_cache > /dev/null 2>&1 # On huge MTA you may want to have five minutes caching #*/5 * * * * /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sa_cache -a > /dev/null 2>&1 6. Add an entry in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog to restart SendmailAnalyzer when maillog is rotated or create a cron job. Log rotate case Without systemd If you use real time mode and you have logrotate installed on you maillog file you must restart SendmailAnalyzer each time logrotate is used. To install it edit the /etc/logrotate.d/syslog file and add a line in the postrotate part, for example: /var/log/cron /var/log/debug /var/log/maillog /var/log/messages /var/log/secure /var/log/spooler /var/log/syslog { sharedscripts postrotate /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2>/dev/null` 2>/dev/null || true /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` 2>/dev/null || true # or /etc/init.d/sendmailanalyzer restart >/dev/null 2>&1 || true endscript } If you are using rsyslog the file is named /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog, things must be written differently, but not so much. For example: postrotate reload rsyslog >/dev/null 2>&1 || true /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` 2>/dev/null || true endscript With systemd New Linux distributions have replaced the standard init SysV by the new systemd linux centrics startup system. If you are using this system here is the service file definition to use: sendmailanalyzer.service just copy it under /usr/lib/systemd/system/sendmailanalyzer.service as root. Edit it to change the path to the sendmailanalyzer program and change Requires/After directives whether you are running sendmail or postfix. Then reload systemd with the following command as root: systemctl --system daemon-reload To start/stop sendmailanalyer use the following commands: systemctl start sendmailanalyzer.service systemctl stop sendmailanalyzer.service If you want sendmailanalyzer to be run at boot time and stopped at poweroff, you have to run the following command: systemctl enable sendmailanalyzer.service This will create the symlinks for you into the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. Package install In the packaging/ directory you will find all scripts and files to generate a binary RPM, Slackware and Debian package. See README in this directory. Custom install You can create your fully customized SendmailAnalyzer installation by using the Makefile.PL Perl script. Here is a sample: perl Makefile.PL \ LOGFILE=/var/log/maillog \ BINDIR=/usr/bin \ CONFDIR=/etc \ PIDDIR=/var/run \ BASEDIR=/var/lib/sendmailanalyzer \ HTMLDIR=/var/www/sendmailanalyzer \ MANDIR=/usr/man/man3 \ DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/sendmailanalyzer If you want to build a distro package, there are two other options that you may use. The QUIET option is to tell to Makefile.PL to not show the default post install README. The DESTDIR is to create and install all files in a package build base directory. For example for Fedora RPM, thing may look like that: # Make Perl and SendmailAnalyzer distrib files %{__perl} Makefile.PL \ INSTALLDIRS=vendor \ QUIET=1 \ LOGFILE=/var/log/maillog \ BINDIR=%{_bindir} \ CONFDIR=%{_sysconfdir} \ PIDDIR=%{rundir} \ BASEDIR=%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{uname} \ HTMLDIR=%{webdir} \ MANDIR=%{_mandir}/man3 \ DOCDIR=%{_docdir}/%{uname}-%{version} \ DESTDIR=%{buildroot} < /dev/null See the spec file in packaging/RPM for the full RPM build script. USAGE There are two ways to use SendmailAnalyzer. If you don't need real time you can run it each night so that maillog will be parsed and reports generated once a day. Note that if you have a huge MTA load this is not a good solution. The other way is to run it in daemon mode, in this way it can parse huge maillog (million line per day) preserving system resources. To know all possible command line arguments, run 'sendmailanalyzer --help' Important: if you experience high memory usage with SendmailAnalyzer use the -w (--write-delay) command line option to reduce the time where in memory data are flushed to disk. Default is 60 secondes, this is good in most configuration but in huge servers you may set it as low as 5 secondes. You must test it to find a compromise between speed and memory usage. Standalone To run SendmailAnalyzer in standalone mode you have to setup a cron entry each night as follow assuming log and configuration files in default place (/var/log/maillog and /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sendmailanalyzer.conf): /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sendmailanalyzer -i -b -f This will run the program in interactive mode (-i), parse full maillog seeking after the last run ending position (-f) and exiting at end of maillog parsing (-b). Daemon mode To run SendmailAnalyzer as a daemon, use the start/stop/restart script given with the distribution (in start_script/ directory). See the README file in that directory for more explanation about how to install. It will start as 'sendmailanalyzer -f' that tells it to start in daemon mode (default), parse full maillog seeking after the last run ending position (-f) and to open a pipe to a tail command on /var/log/maillog. It will never end until you kill it or restart it. To restart sendmailanalyzer use the SIGHUP signal as follows : /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` or /usr/bin/pkill -HUP sendmailanalyzer This will force sendmailanalyzer to reread its configuration file and reopen a pipe to the tail command on you mail log file. The original command line arguments that you've given at startup will be preserved. Important: If you have syslog rotate enable (I hope so :-) you will have to restart SendmailAnalyzer after each log rotation to always tail the good file descriptor. Edit /etc/logrotate.d/syslog and add the following after syslog restart: /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` 2>/dev/null || true or /etc/rc.d/rc.sendmailanalyzer restart /dev/null 2>&1 || true or on Debian/Redhat like system /etc/init.d/sendmailanalyzer restart /dev/null 2>&1 || true or with systemd: /usr/bin/systemctl restart sendmailanalyzer.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || true this must be in the postrotate section. Stopping SendmailAnalyzer Just kill it with SIGTERM signal it will flush current collected object to disk and free open files. kill -TERM `cat /var/run/`' or pkill -TERM sendmailanalyzer use the starter script. This will kill the current sendmailanalyzer process and the pipe to the tail command. Caching SendmailAnalyzer collects maillog entries to write data to flat files, when you run the CGI script sa_report.cgi it has to read each data file for the given period to compute statistics and output HTML reports. This can be enough for day views but when you jump to month view it costs a lot in CPU and memory usage unless you have a home MTA. To speed up things and free system resources you have to run the script sa_cache each night by cron to create cache files. After that viewing a month or year view take less than a second. The script sa_cache must be run by cron as follows: /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sa_cache >/dev/null 2>&1 If you have set per domain report sa_cache will create cache files for each domains. These cache files are named for the MTA global statistics and cache.pmYOURDOMAIM.DOM for each domain report. To lower the memory footprint of the sa_cache program, since version 8.0 it starts computing cache file per hours. Since version 4.0 sa_report.cgi will warm you to avoid out of memory when you're entering a month view without caching. Huge MTA activity On MTA server with very huge activity you can experience out of memory or wait a very long time before seeing anything in day view. In this case you must run by cron job the perl script sa_cache with the -a option to build cache files for the current day. Statistics will not be shown in realtime but only at the time of the last sa_cache run. You can run it each five minute for example as follow: */5 * * * * /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sa_cache -a or */5 * * * * /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sa_cache --actual-day-only It will only parse data stored in the current day so five minutes interval may be enough for most cases. Database SendmailAnalyzer stores data into flat file database. Data is stored in a time hierarchical directory structure ending at daily level. This structure is composed as follows : 'mailhost'/year/month/day/ In each day repository you can find the following data files: senders.dat: senders informations. recipient.dat: recipients informations. spam.dat: spams informations. virus.dat: viruses informations. rejected.dat: rejected mail informations. dsn.dat: Delivery Status Notification report syserr.dat: SYSERR MTA informations. other.dat: other message grabbed into the log file. auth.dat: SMTP auth message grabbed into the log file. miltername.dat: message related to a milter, antivir or antispam. The format of each file is explained in the SendmailAnalyzer code source. Archiving When sa_cache is run and following the value of the FREE_SPACE configuration option it will try to archive data older than the current month. If FREE_SPACE is set to 'delete' sa_cache will simply remove the data file from disk. If you set it to 'archive', sa_cache will build a gzipped tarball for all daily data files into the corresponding month directory and then remove data files from disk. If you set it to 'none', data files are kept. If your primary concern is disk space saving set it to 'delete'. If you want to preserve data for a year or more you can safely set it to 'archive'. For your information one of my server has 100,000 inbound messages a day and a year of 'archive' storage take around 1Gb and a 'delete' storage around 250Mb. One advantage of the 'archive' method is that you can replay the cached stats (for example after an upgrade to fix a sa_cache bug :-). In this case, you just have to delete any cache file and extract all tarballs as follows: find /path/to/SendmailReport/ -name "*" | xargs -i rm -f {} find /path/to/SendmailReport/ -name "history.tar.gz" | xargs -i \ tar xzf {} --directory / and then rerun sa_cache again. Important: running sa_cache in one pass on en entire year could cost a lot of resources and takes very long time. In this case add a second argument to the command line giving the year/month to proceed, for example: sa_cache -s 'mailhost' -d "2008/06" repeat this command for each month. On huge MTA freeing space each month may not be enough. The WEEKLY_FREE_SPACE configuration directive will force sa_cache to free space each week when enabled. By default it is disabled. CONFIGURATION The default path to configuration file is /etc/sendmailanalyzer.conf If you want to change this path, please edit cgi-bin/sa_report.cgi, sa_cache to match your needs. For sendmailanalyzer use the --config|-c command line argument. The configuration file consists of a text file with a configuration option in upper case and a value or list of value separated by a tab character. Here are the definitions of all those configuration directives. System commands options TAIL_PROG Path to the system tail command. Can be overwritten with --tail or -t in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is /usr/bin/tail. TAIL_ARGS Command line argument passed to the tail system command. Can be overwritten with --args or -a in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is -n 0 -f. ZCAT_PROG Path to zcat system command used to parse compressed log file. Can be overwritten with --zcat or -z in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is /usr/bin/zcat. FREE_SPACE Select the freeing space method for data files older than the current month. The value can be: - delete: definitively remove all data files. - archive: make a gzipped tarball of data files before deleting them. - none: don't do anything. Need lot of space disk. Default is archive. Input/output options LOG_FILE Path to the maillog file to analyse. Can be overwritten with --log or -l in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is /var/log/maillog. If the extension is .gz SendmailAnalyzer will automatically use zcat to parse the compressed log. For Postfix you may use /var/log/mail.log instead. JOURNALCTL_CMD Use it to set the journalctl command to use instead of log file entry. For example, with postfix it migth be set to the following: JOURNALCTL_CMD journalctl -u postfix and for sendmail: JOURNALCTL_CMD journalctl -u sendmail When enabled, the LOG_FILE configuration directive above is just ommitted. The additional option: --output="short-iso" is also always used to format timestamp. In incremental mode sendmailanalyzer will automatically set the --since option to the last parsed timestamp to prevent loading previous messages. Note that in daemon mode sendmailanalyzer will automatically add the -f option to the command. Can be overwritten with --journalctl or -j options. OUT_DIR Output directory for data storage. Can be overwritten with --output or -o in sendmailanalyzer args. The directory must exist, being writable by the user running sendmailanalyzer and sa_cache. It must be readable by the http user for CGI script sa_report.cgi. Default is /var/www/sendmailanalyzer DEBUG Turn on/off debug/verbose output mode. Can be overwritten with --debug or -d in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is 0, disable. DELAY Delay in second to flush collected data to disk. Can be overwritten with --write-delay or -w in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is 60 seconds. During this time data is kept in memory to limit disk I/O and gain speed. If you experience an out of memory on huge mail server adjust this value to something smaller depending on your hardware configuration. Reporting/display options ERROR_CODE Path to SMTP error code file (relative to CGI directory) where sa_report.cgi is running. Default: lang/ERROR_CODE. LANG Path to the translation file (relative to CGI directory) where sa_report.cgi is running. Default: lang/en_US. HTML_CHARSET Used to define the HTML charset to use. Default is iso-8859-1, but with cyrillic characters you have to use utf-8 instead. URL_LOGO Url to the barorng image. Default: salogo.gif URL_JSCRIPT Url to the flotr2 javascript library. Default: flotr2.js URL_SORTABLE Url to the sorttable javascript library. Default: sorttable.js TOP Number of object displayed in the top statistics. Default is 25. TOP_MBOX Number of object displayed in the top email addresses statistics. Default is 25. MAX_RCPT Max number of recipients per message where senders will be reported. Default 25 recipients max. MAX_SIZE 10000000 Max size in bytes per message where senders will be reported. Default is 10000000. MAX_LINE Max lines to show in detail view. Default is 100. SIZE_UNIT Size Unit to use, default is Bytes. Other values are KBytes and MBytes. DOMAIN_REPORT Compute statistics and cache for a list of domains and display a link in the front page for a per domain access. See DOMAIN_USER if you want to grant special access to these pages. You can have multiple DOMAIN_REPORT lines. If you are running rsyslog with multiple hosts use DOMAIN_HOST_REPORT instead. Example: DOMAIN_REPORT, DOMAIN_HOST_REPORT Compute statistics and cache for the given host followed by a list of domains and display a link in the front page for a per domain access under each host. You can have multiple DOMAIN_HOST_REPORT lines. See DOMAIN_USER if you want to grant special access to these pages. For example: DOMAIN_HOST_REPORT host1, DOMAIN_HOST_REPORT host2, ANONYMIZE This option allows the anonymization of the output, i.e. it removes any sender/recipient personal information from the report. REPLACE_HOST This option replaces some hostname in all relay information for anonymization. You must use one REPLACE_HOST line per replacement. REPLACE_HOST internal.relay.dom external.relay.dom SPAM_VIEW Enable/Disable menu links to Spam views. Default show it: 1 VIRUS_VIEW Enable/Disable menu links to Virus views. Default show it: 1 DSN_VIEW Enable/Disable menu links to Notification views. Default show it: 1 POSTGREY_VIEW Enable/Disable menu links to Postgrey usage views. Default show it: 1 SHOW_DIRECTION Enable/Disable messaging/spam/virus/dsn direction statistics. Default is show. On some mailhost this could show wrong information if the direction could not be easily determined. So you can remove these views by setting it to 0. SPAM_TOOLS List of antispam name separated by a comma used for Spam details view. You may want to custom this list to just show menu link on available reports. Default list is: spamdmilter,jchkmail,dnsbl,spamassassin,amavis,mimedefang,dnsblmilter,spamd,policydweight Feel free to remove those you're not using to not see link to empty report in the menu. SHOW_SUBJECT When enabled it allow email subjects to be shown in detailed view. Of course the log file must contain this information. Default is disabled. Maillog parsing options FULL Parse maillog from begining before running tail program. Can be overwritten with --full or -f in sendmailanalyzer args. When enabled, default is to read LAST_PARSED file to start from last collected event. Most of the time you may want to enable this to jump at the last parsed line during the previous run. If you always have fresh entries in your log, use FORCE instead. When FULL and FORCE are disabled, sendmailanalyzer go directly to the end of the file using the tail -f command. FORCE Parse maillog from the begining before running the tail program but force sendmailanalyzer to never use the LAST_PARSED file. Can be overwritten with command line option --force or -F. BREAK Do not run tail program and exit after a full parsing of the log file. Can be overwritten with --break or -b in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is 0, go ahead with tail. MTA_NAME Syslog name of the MTA. Syslog writes it to maillog with the pid as ... sendmail[1234] ... This is required to only parse relevant lines. Can be overwritten with --sendmail or -s in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is sendmail, some distro come with sm-mta instead. Some other have multiple names (ex: sm-mta, sendmail and sm-msp-queue) in this case you can set the value of this directive to a pipe separated list of values, for example: sm-mta|sendmail|sm-msp-queue. Default: sm-mta|sendmail|postfix|spampd MAILSCAN_NAME Syslog name of MailScanner. Syslog writes it to maillog with the pid as ... MailScanner[1234] ... This is required to only parse relevant lines Can be overwritten with --mailscanner or -m in sendmailanalyzer args. Default is MailScanner. AMAVIS_NAME Syslog name of Amavis. Syslog writes it to maillog with the pid as ... amavis[1234] ... This is required to only parse relevant lines. Default is amavis. MD_NAME Syslog name of MimeDefang. Syslog writes it to maillog with the pid as ...[1234] ... This is required to only parse relevant lines based on parsing mimedefang log generated by method md_graphdefang_log() Default is CLAMD_NAME Syslog name of Clamd. When using Mailscanner with clamd, if you want virus reports, you must configure clamd to log with syslog and use LOG_MAIL. Default value is 'clamd' (... clamd[1234] ...). Can be overwritten with --clamd or -n. CLAMSMTPD_NAME Syslog name of clamsmtpd. Default value is 'clamsmtpd' (... clamsmtpd: ...). POSTGREY_NAME Syslog name of Postgrey or sqlgrey. Syslog writes Postgrey to maillog with the pid as follows: ... postgrey[1234] ... and sqlgrey as follow: ... sqlgrey: ... This is required to only parse relevant logged lines. Can be overwritten with --postgrey or -g. Default is set to postgrey|sqlgrey SPAMD_NAME Syslog name of Spamd. Syslog writes it to maillog with the pid as follow: ... spamd[1234] ... This is required to only parse relevant logged lines Can be overwritten with --spamd. Default is spamd. LOCAL_DOMAIN Comma separated list of internal domains to be used when SendmailAnalyzer is running on a mail host which received message from any side. SA can't know what message are internal or external in this case, so the only way to know if a mail come from Internet or Lan/Wan is to check the domain part of the relay sender address. You can have multiple LOCAL_DOMAIN lines for better reading. For example: LOCAL_DOMAIN,,... LOCAL_DOMAIN LOCAL_DOMAIN If you want you can also give the path to a file containing a list of domain, one per line. Ex: LOCAL_DOMAIN /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/domain.lst if the file exist SendmailAnalyzer will load the domain list from its content. LOCAL_HOST_DOMAIN Same as above but with host distinction for use with rsyslog. You can have multiple LOCAL_HOST_DOMAIN lines, ie: one per host. For example: LOCAL_HOST_DOMAIN sysloghost1, LOCAL_HOST_DOMAIN sysloghost2, MAIL_HUB Comma separated ip addresses list of internal mail hubs, aka: where email are redirected if the host is a gateway. For example: mailhost.mydom.dom This directive is very important to help SendmailAnalyzer to find the direction of incoming and outgoing message. MAIL_GW Comma separated ip addresses list of MTA gateways where external mail comes from. This directive is very important to help SendmailAnalyzer to find the direction of incoming and outgoing message. DEFAULT_DOMAIN Default domain or hostname to add to an email address if there's just the username. When the host is a delivery system it is possible that the user email address do not have the domain part (ex: By default SendmailAnalyzer will add the '@localhost' domain but you may want to change this domain, so use this directive SPAM_DETAIL This directive allows report for Spam details. Enable by default. This allows you to see complete detail of your favorite antispam as well as score, cache hit and autolearn if your antispam reports it. To disable set it to 0, you will save disk space. SMTP_AUTH This directive allows report for SMTP authentication. Enabled by default. This allow you to see per authent type (server or client) user and relay statistics. If you do not use SMTP Auth set it to 0 to disable this feature. These stats are not available in per domain views. MERGING_HOST Use this directive to combine multiple mailhost reports on a single report. This allows you to aggregate multiple mailhost that syslogs to a remote server through rsyslog to have only one SendmailAnalyzer report. The value must only use alphanumeric characters as it is used to create a subdirectory. SKIP_RCPT_RELAY Use this to set the recipient relay used for local delivery if your message appears twice in details view and in messaging, sender and recipient counter. This is especially right with postfix configured to have local delivery via dovecot service. Default: dovecot, that means that recipient log lines with relay=dovecot will instruct sendmailanalyzer to skip those messages. A common value can also be with MTA where the message is first sent locally. EXCLUDE_TO Use this directive to set a pipe separated list of destination email address that should be excluded from the report. They will not be reported into data files too. The value should be a valid regex, the addresses will be search in all destination adresses with $TO =~ /^$EXCLUDE_TO$/. For example: EXCLUDE_TO bcc-addr1\|bcc-addr2\ will exclude from report all recipient statistics sent to and RELAY_IP_ONLY When possible sendmailanalyzer extract the fqdn part of the sender or recipient relay. Enable this directive if you just want Ip addresses. POSTSCREEN_DNSBL_THRESHOLD Threshold to detect case where postscreen reject an ip address. By default "reject: RCPT from ..." are not logged by postfix, we mark the message as DNSBL rejected when DNSBL rank value is upper or equal than this threshold value. Default value: 3 MILTER_REJECT_REGEX Use this directive to defined a custom regular expression that will be applied on status part of a Postfix milter-reject message. A Postfix milter-reject message is of the form: milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from ... The default is to treat any message with status not containing string "Spam message rejected" as rejected. If you want to treat some other messages as spam instead of rejected you can give a regexp that can catch them. For example MILTER_REJECT_REGEX Mailbox not found will treat all messages with a status including "Mailbox not found" as spam. The value must be a valid Perl regular expression. Domain / user views options LOW_LIMIT, MEDIUM_LIMIT, HIGH_LIMIT (NO MORE USED) User messaging data limit in megabytes to show/warn the level of mail activity. LOW_LIMIT (3 by default), mail activity under this limit is shown as green. MEDIUM_LIMIT (5 by default), mail activity under this limit is shown as orange. HIGH_LIMIT (10 by default), mail activity under this limit is shown as red. above the hight limit the user is warn for abuse. Set all to 0 if you want to disable this feature. ADMIN List of admin usernames separated by a comma that must have full access to all report. The username is checked against the http REMOTE_USER environment variable. By default anyone can access, in this case you may want to add a .htaccess file. DOMAIN_USER List of per user domain access control. The first field is the username and the second field (separated by tabulation) is a comma separated list of domain names to be allowed to this user. You could add as many lines of DOMAIN_USER as you want in the configuration file. ACCESS CONTROL Access control is based on the REMOTE_USER environment variable stored by the httpd server during an htaccess Authentication. If this variable is not set, there is full access for anyone. REBUILD / RECOVER LOG FILES You have missed a bunch of log files or you want to rebuild your reports after a sendmailanalyzer bug. What's the best way to go back and (re)parse your log files to bring everything back upto date? Rebuild report from scratch If you want to restart from scratch, the best way is to proceed as follow: /etc/init.d/sendmailanalyzer stop rm -rf /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/data/* for log in ls -tr /var/log/dmz-relays* do /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sendmailanalyzer -b -f -i -l $log done /etc/init.d/sendmailanalyzer start Of courses, this mean that you still have all the log files even if they have been rotated. Rebuild since a specific log If you want to keep old data but just want to rewind for some days, you have to stop sendmailanalyzer then: * remove all data directories corresponding to days including and after the first log entry * remove the data directories of the corresponding weeks * remove all files in the corresponding month and year directories. Before reparsing all necessary log files, you need to remove history file /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/data/LAST_PARSED . And then: for log in ls -tr /var/log/dmz-relays* do /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sendmailanalyzer -b -f -i -l $log done /etc/init.d/sendmailanalyzer start Following the interval of the cache execution in your crontab you may want to execute /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/sa_cache . Data directory is build as follow for example: /usr/local/sendmailanalyzer/data/ |-- LAST_PARSED |-- smtp-gw-hostname |-- #year |-- #month | |-- #day ... | |-- |-- |-- weeks |-- #week ... AUTHOR Gilles Darold <gilles @nospam@> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see < >. BUGS Your volontee to help construct a better software by submitting bug report or feature request as well as code contribution are welcome. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thank to for the kind permission to use the "Bat" logo.
Sendmail log Analyzer is a tool to monitor sendmail usage and generate HTML and graph reports. It reports all you ever wanted to know about email trafic on your network. You can also use it in ISP environment with per domain and per mailbox report.