
C-lightning plugins and RPC library

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear


A C++11 wrapper to build plugins for C-lightning and access its JSON-RPC interface


This library makes an extensive use of libjson-rpc-cpp. Recommended way is to build it from source (here are Debian instructions but you can find more here) :

apt install libcurl4 libmicrohttpd-dev libjsoncpp-dev libargtable2-dev cmake libhiredis-dev catch libcurl4-openssl-dev
git clone git://github.com/cinemast/libjson-rpc-cpp.git
mkdir -p libjson-rpc-cpp/build
cd libjson-rpc-cpp/build
cmake -DUNIX_DOMAIN_SOCKET_CLIENT=YES .. && make -j8
make install # as root
ldconfig # as root

Then you can install lightningcpp :

git clone git@github.com:darosior/lightningcpp.git
cd lightningcpp
su -c "make install"


RPC wrapper

#include <clightningrpc.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    CLightningWrapper lightning = CLightningWrapper("/home/darosior/.lightning/lightning-rpc");
    std::cout << lightning.getInfo() << std::endl;
    return 0;


You can write a plugin by whether inheriting the RpcMethod class :

#include <clightningplugin.h>

class Helloworld: public RpcMethod {
    Helloworld(): RpcMethod() {
        name = "hello";
        description = "launch me so that I can greet the world";

    Json::Value main(Json::Value &params) {
        return Json::Value("Hello world !");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Plugin testPlugin;
    Helloworld helloworld;

    return 0;

Or you can instanciate an RpcMethod object and set the main function :

#include <clightningplugin.h>
#include <string>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Plugin testPlugin;
    RpcMethod byeworld("bye", "[name]", "Launch me so I can say bye to someone", "I am a long description");
    byeworld.setMain([&](Json::Value &params) {
        std::string bye = "Bye bye ";
        if (!params.empty())
            return Json::Value(bye + params.asString());
        return Json::Value(bye + "world !");

    return 0;


You can add startup options, for example with the byebye plugin from above :

#include <clightningplugin.h>
#include <string>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Plugin testPlugin;
    testPlugin.addOption("byename", "world", "who to say bye to");
    RpcMethod byeworld("bye", "[name]", "Launch me so I can say bye to someone", "A LONG DESC");
    byeworld.setMain([&](Json::Value &params) {
        std::string bye = "Bye bye ";
        if (params.size() == 1)
            return Json::Value(bye + params[0].asString() + " !");
        return Json::Value(bye + testPlugin.getOptionValue("byename").asString() + " !");

    return 0;

You can use addOption() by whether passing it a Json::Value, or the option name, default value, description, and type (which defaults to string and is not passed in the above example).


You can subscribe to lightningd's notifications :

#include <clightningplugin.h>
#include <fstream>

class Helloworld: public RpcMethod {
    Helloworld(): RpcMethod() {
        name = "hello";
        description = "launch me so that I can greet the world";

    Json::Value main(Json::Value &params) {
        return Json::Value("Hello world !");

void uselessLogger(Json::Value &params) {
    std::ofstream logFile;
    logFile.open("log_file.log", std::ios::app);
    std::string what = params["warning"]["log"].asString();
    logFile << what << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Plugin testPlugin;
    Helloworld helloworld;
    testPlugin.subscribe("warning", &uselessLogger);

    return 0;


You can subscribe to lightningd's hooks (but be sure of what you are doing) :

#include <clightningplugin.h>
#include <fstream>

class Helloworld: public RpcMethod {
    Helloworld(): RpcMethod() {
        name = "hello";
        description = "launch me so that I can greet the world";

    Json::Value main(Json::Value &params) {
        return Json::Value("Hello world !");

Json::Value dbDump(Json::Value &params) {
    std::ofstream logFile;
    logFile.open("db.log", std::ios::app);
    std::string operation = params["writes"][0].asString();
    logFile << operation << std::endl;
    return Json::Value(true);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Plugin testPlugin;
    Helloworld helloworld;
    testPlugin.hookSubscribe("db_write", &dbDump);

    return 0;



Highly inspired by Christian Decker's pylightning.

Rpc wrapper

The RPC wrapper is just a class (CLightningRpc) with methods wrapping lightningd's API.

Plugin interface

There are 2 classes for the Plugin management : Plugin and RpcMethod. Every RPC method added to lightningd must be an instance of RpcMethod, which is composed of a method's attributes (namely the name, usage, description and long description) and a pointer to the function to be executed when the method is called through lightningd.

This pointer defaults to the main(Json::Value&) function of the same class.
Any method's main function must take a Json::Value object as parameter and return a Json::Value.
You can assign it after instanciation with the setMain() method (as per examples above).

More about C-lightning plugins

You can find more about C-lightning plugins :

Plugins in other languages :


BSD 3-clause clear