
Angular2 setup with nodejs and expressjs for MEAN stack based applications

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository includes angularjs2, nodejs and expressjs setup with bootswatch free theme superhero to develop MEAN stack project. I have used gulp, browser-sync and nodemon together to make the development flexible. Now you can check the demo of this project by clicking on this link http://mean2marvel.herokuapp.com/.

username: test password: test

Note: I have added one more plugin videogular2 in this application. On the home page you will see a video player. In order to run that video, you have to click on it.


You already have following things installed on your machine.

##Steps to clone and run the project

  1. Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC) > git clone https://github.com/darpanpathak/MEAN2-MarvelApp.git
  2. Open this repository with any of your favourite IDE(I am using Visual Studio Code)
  3. Run > npm install in command prompt to install npm dependencies
  4. Run > gulp in command prompt

that's it. Now browser-sync will automatically open your default browser.