
RODA - Repository of Authentic Digital Objects

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

RODA 2.0 - Repository of Authentic Digital Objects

RODA is a complete digital repository that delivers functionality for all the main units of the OAIS reference model. RODA is capable of ingesting, managing and providing access to the various types of digital objects produced by large corporations or public bodies. RODA is based on open-source technologies and is supported by existing standards such as the OAIS, METS, EAD and PREMIS.


  • User-friendly graphical user interface based on HTML 5 and CSS 3
  • Digital objects storage and management
  • Catalog based on rich metadata (supports any XML-based format as descriptive metadata)
  • Off-the-shelf support for Dublin Core and Enconded Archival Description.
  • Configurable multi-step ingestion workflow
  • PREMIS 3 for preservation metadata
  • Authentication & authorization via LDAP and CAS for
  • Reports and statistics
  • Supports pluggable preservation actions
  • Integrated Risk management
  • Integrated Format Registry
  • Uses native file system for data storage
  • 100% compatible with E-ARK SIP, AIP, and DIP specifications
  • Support for themess

For more information, please fell free to visit RODA website: http://www.roda-community.org


We provide two installation methods:

  • Testing Mode (Easy like sunday morning!)
  • Production Mode (Powerful as thunder!)

Testing Mode (Easy like sunday morning!)

This is the easiast way to install RODA 2.0. If you want to test drive the software, just follow these instructions based on your operating system. We support Linux, MacOS and Windows.


On Linux, use the following instructions:

  1. Install docker for your system: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/
  2. Pull or update to the latest roda container, on the command line run: sudo docker pull keeps/roda
  3. Run the container: sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -v ~/.roda:/root/.roda keeps/roda
  4. Access RODA on your browser: http://localhost:8080

NOTE: the docker commands only need sudo if your user does not belong to the docker group.
NOTE 2: if one wants to run some cronjobs in RODA container, there're two possibilities. But before, lets create a cronjob file with the right permissions (chmod 644 ~/cronjob). In this example we are updating, at 2 am, siegfried signature file:


0 2 * * * root sf -update && pkill sf

And the two possibilities are:

  1. Add cronjob file via docker copy (after starting the container)
$> docker cp ~/crontab CONTAINER_NAME:/etc/cron.d/crontab
  1. Run the container using the volume option (-v) to pass by the cronjob file

In this scenario, the cronjob file must be owned by root because RODA container user is root (besides file permissions mentioned abouve)

$> sudo chown root.root ~/crontab
$> docker run -p 8080:8080 -v ~/.roda:/root/.roda -v ~/crontab:/etc/cron.d/crontab keeps/roda

To start as a service you can install supervisord and create the file /etc/supervisor/conf.d/roda.conf with:

command=docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /home/roda/:/root/.roda keeps/roda
  1. Create user 'roda': sudo adduser roda
  2. Add user 'roda' to 'docker' group: sudo usermod -aG docker roda
  3. Then restart supervisord (sudo service supervisord restart)


Just install Kitematic, and search for "roda". Install and run docker container. It's that easy.

Kitematic is like an AppStore that automates the Docker installation and setup process and provides an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for running Docker containers (i.e. lightweight Virtual Machines).


Just install Kitematic, and search for "roda". Install and run docker container. It's that easy.

Kitematic is like an AppStore that automates the Docker installation and setup process and provides an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for running Docker containers (i.e. lightweight Virtual Machines).

The RODA docker container has some limitations on Windows due to filename incompatibilities. This means that your will be limited to the storage capacity within the container. If you change the default configuration to use the storage of the host machine it will not work..

Production Mode (Powerful as thunder!)

This installation method takes full advantage of the resources available on your server. To install RODA in production mode (i.e. without containers) see the Install RODA in Production Mode.


After installing, direct your browser to the correct IP address (this depends on your installation mode and used settings) and log in with the following credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: roda

With this you will have access to all features.

Then you can start using RODA:

  1. Go to Catalogue and click the button NEW, select Dublin Core and fill the title of your new collection.
  2. Go to Ingest > Transfer and upload files (e.g. PDF) or SIPs made by RODA-in. SIPs will have metadata while PDFs wont. To know how to use RODA-in watch the tutorials.
  3. After upload, select the SIPs or files to ingest on the checkbox and click the button PROCESS on the sidebar under the section Ingest.
  4. Now configure the ingest workflow, select the SIP format, if you upload a file select Uploaded file/folder, if you uploaded a SIP select the SIP format (E-ARK or Bagit).
  5. Under the Parent Object you can select the new collection you created above.
  6. After configuring ingest click the CREATE button.
  7. Now ingest will start and you can see the status of it at Ingest > Process, you can also inspect the status by clicking the table row.
  8. When finished you can go to Catalogue or Search to find your new ingested content.


To start developing new components for RODA check the Developer guide which has information on:

  1. How to get the source code
  2. How the code is laid out
  3. How to set up the development environment
  4. How to contribute


Translations are maintained in Transifex and updated using the Transifex Client. After installing the client and setting up your ~/.transifexrc use tx push -s to when you have new source translations to push to server, and tx pull -a to update the translation on your local installation.


RODA implements a series of specifications and standards. To know more about the OAIS Information Packages that RODA implements, please check out the DLM Archival Standards Board repositories at https://github.com/DLMArchivalStandardsBoard

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Professional Support

We’re committed to providing the highest standard of service that empowers you to succeed in preserving your digital assets, on premises, in the cloud or anywhere in between.

Professional Support is available as a single “pay-per-incident” (PPI) or anual support service. Professional Support incidents focus on troubleshooting a specific problem, error message, or functionality that is not working as intended. An incident is defined as a single support issue and the reasonable effort to resolve it. Incidents should be submitted online. Response time will be between 2 and 8 days, depending on severity of incident.

For more information and commercial support, please contact KEEP SOLUTIONS.