Rain Tracker


Rain Tracker is a small API to create and serve rainfall reports. It is a Node and TypeScript based application, built with NestJS and Prisma ORM, and uses PostgreSQL for data persistence.

How to run this project


This project can be run as a Docker compose stack. You should have Docker with Docker Compose installed.

Refer to the docker-compose.yaml file in the project root directory for further information.


First, clone this repository and cd into it:

git clone https://github.com/darraghenright/rain_tracker.git
cd rain_tracker

Then, make a copy of the .env.dist called .env. Use your favourite editor to edit the .env file and add whatever values you prefer. No other configuration setup should be required as the containers will use the values provided. Refer to the comments in this file for more information.

IMPORTANT: the value of the PG hostname in the API_DATABASE_URL connection URL may not be localhost when running this service. This depends on your operating system and how you run Docker. Please refer to the comments in .env.dist for advice and further information.

One environment variables are set up, run the Docker compose stack and build the services:

docker compose up --build

This will run services in the foreground. If you want to run the services in the background then run the following command instead:

docker compose up --build --detach

Running either will create a Docker compose stack containing:

  • The postgres service exposed to your host at port 5432
  • The Rain Tracker api service exposed to your host at port 3000

Database migrations should be run automatically which will create the Postgres database structure.

Inteacting with the service

You may interact with the service via the interactive OpenAPI/Swagger UI. Refer to the subsection OpenAPI documentation for further information. Note that all requests must contain an identity — refer to the subsection Identity for further information. Both subsections are found in the Features section of this README.

If you have curl installed, you can run the following commands to sanity check the API and send some requests. Refer to the Makefile for more information:

  • make curl_create RAIN=true or make curl_create RAIN=false
  • make curl_list

Shutting down

Finally, to stop the project:

docker compose stop
# or completely remove all containers and network with `docker compose down`

The postgres service is configured to persist its data directory between restarts. This data is saved at the following location in the project ./docker/postgres/data. You may remove this data at any time by running:

rm -rf ./docker/postgres/data

This directory and associated files will be recreated the next time you run the service.


The API exposes two endpoints for serving and creating RainReport records. All requests must contain a valid identity. Refer to the Identity section of this README for more information.


All valid requests are identified with a custom x-userid request header.

This header must be present and contain a non-empty value. If a request does not include a valid x-userid header it is rejected with a 401 Unauthorized response.

In addition to enforcing identity x-userid header performs a slightly different function for each endpoint. These will be discussed further in this README.

OpenAPI documentation

Comprehensive and interactive documentation for this project available as an OpenAPI/Swagger UI and a JSON specification. They are available respectively at:

This should provide the canonical and most up to date documentation for this API. A brief summary of functionality follows below.


Fetch all RainReport records for a provided identity.

The custom request header x-userid must be provided to assert identity. Each newly created RainReport persists the x-userid header value (saved as user_id) in order to track the ownership of each record in the system.


GET /api/data

Request body


Response body

Returns a set of RainReport records, where each record contains a subset of the persisted data. The id and user_id are not included in the response.

  "data": [
      "rain": true,
      "timestamp": "2024-12-04T00:00:00Z"


Create a RainReport for a provided identity.

The custom request header x-userid must be provided to assert identity. This header provides a basic form of authentication when retrieving existing RainReport records. The value of the provided x-userid header is used to return only records associated with that value, filtered on the user_id column.

Therefore, it is not possible to retrieve RainReport records:

  • without a valid x-userid header
  • that are associated with another x-userid
  • that return an unfiltered query


POST /api/data

Request body

A JSON object stating if it is raining at that moment or not.

  "rain": true

Response body

Returns the created RainReport record, with a subset of the persisted data. The user_id is not included in the response.

  "data": {
    "id": 1
    "rain": true,
    "timestamp": "2024-12-04T00:00:00Z"

Data model

A PostgreSQL database instance provides persistence. At the application layer it uses Prisma which is an ORM and query interface for creating and fetching data from the database, as well as defining the data model itself. Refer to the file prisma/schema.prisma for more information on the data model itself.

The database includes the following tables:


This table is part of Prisma ORM's own functionality and tracks data migration changes over time.


This table tracks all RainReport records and contains the following columns

  • id — autoincrementing primary key
  • rainboolean field to determine if the record tracks a rain event.
  • timestampdatetime (UTC) field that captures when the record was created.
  • user_idstring field that associates the identity that created the record.


This section outlines the prerequisites and steps required to set up this project for local development.


The following tools are required to run the project:

Refer to the .tool-versions file in the project root for the preferred Node version to install. If you are using adsf you can install this version by running:

asdf install

The Nest CLI tool is required to run various commands such as generators during development. This can be installed globally by running:

npm install -g @nestjs/cli


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/darraghenright/rain_tracker.git

Copy .env.dist to .env and update .env with your preferred values:

cp .env{.dist,}

Install project dependencies:

npm install

Start the postgres Docker service in the background:

docker compose up postgres --detach

Once the postgres service is started, you'll have to run migrations manually. Refer to ./prisma/migrations for further details:

npx prisma migrate dev

Finally, start the Rain Tracker api on your host in development mode:

npm run start:dev

Visit the OpenAPI/Swagger UI documentation at http://localhost:3000/

To stop the postgres service:

docker compose stop
# or completely remove all containers and network with `docker compose down`

The postgres service is configured to persist its data directory between restarts. This data is saved at the following location in the project ./docker/postgres/data. You may remove this data at any time by running:

rm -rf ./docker/postgres/data

This directory and associated files will be recreated the next time you run the service.


To run specs, run:

npm run test
# or run tests in watch mode
npm run test:watch

To run end-to-end tests, run:

npm run test:e2e