A paging tag helper for ASP.NET Core 2.0 with ajax support and Bootstrap 4.0 generated markup.
The Pagination Tag Helper is available as a NuGet package.
To install from the package manager
PM> Install-Package PaginationTagHelper.AspNetCore
To install from the .NET CLI
> dotnet add package PaginationTagHelper.AspNetCore
In your ASP.NET Core Web Application add the following line to _ViewImports.cshtml
@addTagHelper *, PaginationTagHelper.AspNetCore
Add a <pager>/<pager>
tag to your view. For example:
<pager link-url="/home/index" page="1" page-size="10" total-items="100"></pager>
Please refer to the sample PaginationTagHelper.AspNetCore.Web application in this repo for an example on how you can use this tag helper in your own projects.
The sample web project currently uses Bootstrap 3.3.
Attribute | Description | Example |
link-url | Used to construct the page links | home/index |
page | The current page number | 1 |
page-size | The number of items to display per page | 10 |
total-items | The total number of items to page | 500 |
Sample Markup
To be added to the view.
<pager link-url="/home/index"
The following attributes are automatically rendered with a default value and can be overridden by adding them to the <pager>
Attribute | Description | Default |
pages-to-display | The number of visible page links to render | 5 |
css-class | Adds a class attribute to the bootstrap pagination <ul> tag |
pagination |
first-page-text | The text displayed on the first page link | « |
previous-page-text | The text displayed on the previous page link | ‹ Previous |
skip-back-text | The text displayed on the skip back page link | .. |
skip-forward-text | The text displayed on the skip forward page link | .. |
next-page-text | The text displayed on the next page link | Next › |
next-page-aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to the next page link | go to next page |
last-page-text | The text displayed on the last page link | » |
first-last-navigation | Show/hide the [« first] and [last »] page links | Enabled |
skip-forward-back-navigation | Show/hide the [..] skip forward/back page links | Enabled |
Accessibility attributes
The following ARIA attributes are automatically rendered with a default value and can be overridden by adding them to the <pager>
Attribute | Description | Default |
aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to the pagination <nav> tag |
pagination |
previous-page-aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to previous page link | go to previous page |
skip-back-aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to skip back page link | skip back to page {0} |
skip-forward-aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to skip forward page link | skip forward to page {0} |
next-page-aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to next page link | go to next page |
last-page-aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to last page link | go to last page |
current-page-aria-label | Adds an aria-label and aria-current attribute to skip back page link | page |
goto-page-aria-label | Adds an aria-label attribute to numeric page links | go to page |
Note: {0} will be replaced with the page number if present.
Ajax attributes
To use ajax nest an <ajax-options>
tag helper inside the <pager>
tag helper and add the required data-ajax-* attributes.
ajax-options attribute | Generated HTML5 data-* element |
confirm | data-ajax-confirm |
mode | data-ajax-mode |
loading-element-id | data-ajax-loading-element-id |
loading-duration | data-ajax-loading-duration |
on-begin | data-ajax-begin |
on-complete | data-ajax-complete |
on-failure | data-ajax-failure |
on-success | data-ajax-success |
update-target-id | data-ajax-update |
link-url | data-ajax-url |
allow-cache | data-ajax-cache |
Sample markup
<pager link-url="/home/ajaxpager"
<ajax-options update-target-id="pagedContent"