What is it?
Shoon is a simple SQL Server denormalizer for SimpleCQRS. You can use it to quickly build view models from events that happen in your system.
How do you use it?
1.) Add a reference to Shoon.dll in your SimpleCQRS application. You'll also need to add references to Simple.Data (NuGet package coming with SimpleCQRS soon).
2.) Create an implementation of IConnectionStringRetriever that returns a connection string to your database. Register that retriever into your SimpleCQRS service locator.
3.) Create a table that will serve as your view model table, and set its identity to be a uniqueidentifier "Id".
3.) Create a denormalizer named "[YOUR TABLE NAME]Denormalizer". Make it inherit from SqlDenormalizer.
4.) For each handled event, pass the domain event to either: Insert, Update, Delete, or Upsert.
public class AccountViewModelDenormalizer : SqlDenormalizer,
public void Handle(AccountCreatedEvent domainEvent)
public void Handle(AccountNameSetEvent domainEvent)
public void Handle(AccountEmailSetEvent domainEvent)
public class AccountCreatedEvent : DomainEvent {}
public class AccountNameSetEvent : DomainEvent
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string MiddleName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class AccountEmailSetEvent: DomainEvent
public string Email { get; set; }
As accounts are created and data set, it will fill an AccountViewModel table like this:
| Id | FirstName | LastName | Email |
| GUID 1 | Howard | Roark | |
| GUID 2 | John | Galt | |
Note: Since MiddleName is not in the AccountViewModel table, it is not saved. Only values that you add to the table are saved.