
Discovering Yubico YubiKeys and retrieving certificates using PowerShell

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Discover Yubico YubiKeys. Get certificates from YubiKey Certficate Slots


PowerShell functions to discover Yubico YubiKeys and obtain certificates from certificate slots.

Utilises the Yubico desktop .NET SDK

Contains v4.0.30319 of the compiled libraries.

Associated Blogpost


  • Works with PowerShell (6.x, 7.x). Not compatibile with Windows PowerShell (e.g v5.1)
  • Discovers connected Yubico keys independant of which transport they are connected via
  • Returns general YubiKey device information
  • Read certificates from the slots 9a - 'Authentication' 9c - 'Signature' 9d - 'Key Management' 9e - 'Card Authentication'
  • SDK returns certificates as binary so this module will convert and decode the certificate and return it as a X509Certificate2 object
  • Optional parameter (RAW) to return the certificate as a Base64 string


  • PowerShell Core or PowerShell 7+


Download from this Repo and keep the DLLs and the YubiKey.ps1 script in the same directory. Import the functions by running the YubiKey.ps1 with a dot prefix.

. .\YubiKey.ps1

How to use

Discover connected Yubico YubiKey Devices

. .\YubiKey.ps1

Return device information for a specific connected Yubico YubiKey

SerialNumber can be obtained using Find-YubiKeyDevices

Get-YubiKeyDevice -SerialNumber 12345

Find and return a specific certificate from a Yubico YubiKey


Certificate Slot to return the certificate from

  • Slot 9a 'Authentication'
  • Slot 9c 'Signature'
  • Slot 9d 'KeyManagement'
  • Slot 9e 'CardAuthentication'

PARAMETER SerialNumber

SerialNumber of the YubiKey

Can be found using Find-YubiKeyDevices


Return the base64 encoded certficate rather than decoding and returning it as a Certficate object.

Defaults to $False

Get-YubiKeyCertificate -CertSlot Authentication -SerialNumber 15464990 
Get-YubiKeyCertificate -CertSlot Signature -SerialNumber 15464990 
Get-YubiKeyCertificate -CertSlot KeyManagement -SerialNumber 15464990 
Get-YubiKeyCertificate -CertSlot CardAuthentication -SerialNumber 15464990 
Get-YubiKeyCertificate -CertSlot CardAuthentication -SerialNumber 15464990 -Raw $True

Example Output

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