
Zondicons processed using SVGO and combined for use as an SVG sprite

Primary LanguageHTML

Zondicons (SVG Sprite)

Zondicons processed using SVGO and combined for use as an SVG sprite

Access the optomised versions online here: http://www.darrenmothersele.com/zondicons-sprite/

I've also done the same thing with Entypo icons. The optomised versions are here: http://www.darrenmothersele.com/zondicons-sprite/entypo

What's Zondicons?

A set of free premium SVG icons for you to use on your digital products.

-- https://www.zondicons.com/

by Steve Schoger

Creative Commons Licensed.


This is a Node.JS library that processes the original Zondicons using SVGO, then converts them all into a single SVG for use as SVG Symbols.


Use like this:

<svg class="fill-current w-8 h-8 text-gray-500" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    <use href="/assets/sprite.svg#ticket"></use>

(NB: added TailWindCSS classes for styling)


View the icons