Currently there are two scripts in this system.
Random file generator for producing synthetic test data. I recommend running three of these in parallel
mkdir /mnt/test/source
./ --amount-to-generate 10TB -size-range large --output-path /mnt/test/source
./ --amount-to-generate 10TB -size-range medium --output-path /mnt/test/source
./ --amount-to-generate 5TB -size-range small --output-path /mnt/test/source
This tests disk read and write performance by copying random source files to a destination directory and occassionally deleting groups of files to promote extensive fragmentation as well as directory structure stress testing.
The current version does not scan the directory during each delete cycle by default. Rather, it caches the destination directory as we have identified that dCache does not absolutely need to perform many large directory reads.
mkdir /mnt/test/destination
./ --source-path /mnt/test/source --destination-path /mnt/test/destination --csv ~/speed_test.csv --max-gb 20000 --thread-count 16