
npm i express bcryptjs passport passport-local ejs express-ejs-layouts mongoose connect-flash express-session bootswatch themes

  1. create express app
  2. setup routes
    • creating routes in routes directory makes the project mode modular
  3. create views
    • create layout boiler plate; add bootstrap, bootswatch, fontawesome
    • complete other views using ejs
  4. setup config
    • store mongo uri in a keys file, and add that to gitignore
    • import that uri, mongoose connect, and on successful connection, open, and log success message
    • db = require('file of uri')
    • mongoose.connect(db)
    • mongoose.connection.on('open', ()=>console.log('success'))

Notes: A template engine allows you use static template files in your application. At runtime, the template engine replaces variables in a template file with actual values, and transforms the template into an HTML file sent to the client. This makes it easier to design an HTML page. - In this project, we use ejs const expressLayouts = require('express-ejs-layouts') app.use(expressLayouts) app.use('view engine', 'ejs')

Bcrypt: - - If passwords are hashed without any salt, a hacker can generate a list hashes for common passwords and try them all. - By passing a salt, it makes it slower to create the hacker's dictionary that maps common passwords for hashed passwords - Bcrypt is slowing than other password hashing libraries, which has benefits.

To display flash messages- need session because we're redirecting and upon redirect, we do not store state - declare global variables in app.use ... req.locals