
Source code for: https://sidekiq-trackable-batch-demo.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguageRuby

Sidekiq::TrackableBatch (Demo App)

This is the source code of a simple demo app showing how you could use sidekiq-trackable_batch in a Rails 5 application. The app provides users with a UI to see the progress of a background task.

The following files are worth perusing.

  • lib/fulfillment.rb -> The Workflow declaration called by after_create on the Order model.
  • lib/order_status_notifier.rb -> The code called when a worker has successfully performed.
  • app/assets/javascripts/channels/order_fulfilment.js -> Client-Side code for updating the UI.

Local Setup

  • Resolve dependencies by running bundle install.
  • Edit config/database.yml with your local database credentials.
  • Setup the database by running rake db:setup.
  • Startup the app and sidekiq processes with heroku local. (More Info)