darrylring's Following
- alexforencichUC San Diego
- aolofssonZero ASIC Corporation
- barton-satchwillCybera, Inc.
- bcantrillOxide Computer Company
- BradyPlandenUniversity of Oxford
- CamMacFarlaneVictoria BC Canada
- codebutlerBrooklyn, NY
- danluuhttps://danluu.com
- edwardchapinNational Research Council Canada
- esden@1bitsquared
- gsmechert0 Technology; Three-Speed Logic, Inc.
- harbaumBaWü, Germany
- houtan1
- jks-prvKiwiSDR
- jpendlumTokyo
- jtopjianCalgary, Alberta
- jwrgUniversity of Victoria
- katielukowImperial College London
- marclave@scalar
- mbr0wn@EttusResearch
- miekUK
- mist64
- mithro@timvideos
- nannauVictoria, BC
- osresearchLower Layer Labs
- pavel-demin
- pichenettes
- rminnichgoogle
- SpencerTaftVictoria, BC, Canada
- terpstraSiFive
- TomHarteNew York
- VealorSevenRooms
- windytanFinland
- yupferrisArm