General purpose intent shim layer for cordova appliations on Android. Handles various techniques for sending and receiving intents.
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Plugin does not work on Android 11
#140 opened by iglombardo - 1
Do this plugin Support RFID
#139 opened by Singosgu - 4
Intents looping repeatedly
#125 opened by micahlt - 16
Using Zebra TC57 Device
#110 opened by prashant18-code - 2
cordova-plugin-camera clash with this plugin
#137 opened by Singosgu - 4
I can not get SN Code
#138 opened by Singosgu - 3
After install "ionic cordova plugin add com-darryncampbell-cordova-plugin-intent"
#92 opened by snaveenpandi - 5
IONIC 5 with Capacitor facing to launch another app and get callback using startActivityForResult
#134 opened by veeravetrivel - 2
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Targeting AndroidSdk 30, webIntent.ACTION_VIEW is broken on Android phone With Android 11
#127 opened by Stephane84 - 6
Using plugin to scan a barcone on Zebra TC57
#126 opened by hiryuken - 2
Error log when tried to call the startActivity function, please find the error logs
#113 opened by sriramede9 - 3
package android.support.v4.content does not exist
#124 opened by GBManish1 - 3
Help with webintent using Ionic/React
#123 opened by acegautam - 6
#95 opened by akinzeman - 4
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#119 opened by EcoFreak - 3
Application not build after add plugin
#118 opened by Amit050 - 12
Issues sending intent to a specific app
#116 opened by jeremy-power - 5
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Why are not all android actions supported?
#115 opened by sohelmk - 1
wrong way inside the whatsapp
#112 opened by amnzera - 6
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Unable to set EXTRA_DATA params to BARCODE plugin
#106 opened by nicolomanni - 1
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startActivityForResult using done process after call back data is undefined
#108 opened by snaveenpandi - 2
Get file's name and size
#104 opened by ThomasKientz - 1
when i installing <plugin name="com-darryncampbell-cordova-plugin-intent" spec="2.0.0" /> in phonegap cli-9.0.0
#103 opened by dharmendravirasat - 8
unable to add intent value to my array
#98 opened by cissemy - 8
How to share a file with intent
#99 opened by Elyft - 2
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image is rotated -90 degree
#102 opened by shaktis110 - 2
Android Support Libraries Missing
#93 opened by cabaird - 19
Question about receive SMS
#89 opened by Elyft - 2
Support to Android <= 7
#81 opened by gabrielvoigt - 1
Help Needed
#114 opened by grapevinedevelopers - 3
Trouble setting EXTRA_DATA Datawedge v7.0
#109 opened by kylebrennan - 1
float widget overlay element
#107 opened by welcome14 - 7
Unable to make Intent call to startActivity
#105 opened by RizwanArifHanfi - 4
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leaked IntentReceiver when closing app
#100 opened by OJ7 - 5
Receive Broadcast when app is not started
#82 opened by ChiSamurai - 4
Latest 1.2.0 update breaking my build
#83 opened by aeppacher - 6