
Simple element creation / templating with SVG support.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple element creation / templating with SVG support.

e creates DOM elements/fragments ready to be appendChilded to other elements. It doesn't create HTML strings!

Inspired by mithril's view system.


With component(1):

$ component install darsain/e


Comments and results are showing HTML representation of returned elements. Returned value is always DOM element/fragment, not an HTML strings!

e('div');       // <div></div>
e('div.foo');   // <div class="foo"></div>
e('.foo');      // <div class="foo"></div>
e('#foo.bar');  // <div id="foo" class="bar"></div>
e('em', 'Foo'); // <em>Foo</em>
e('em', '');    // <em>#text</em> => adds an empty text node
e('input[disabled]');   // <input type="text" disabled="disabled">
e('div[data-flag]');    // <div data-flag=""></div>
e('i.icon.icon-check'); // <i class="icon icon-check"></i>
e('a', { href: '/foo' }, 'Foo'); // <a href="/foo">Foo</a>
e('a[href=/foo][target=_blank]', 'Foo'); // <a href="/foo" target="_blank">Foo</a>
// safety
e('div', '<em>foo</em>');          // <div>&lt;em&gt;foo&lt;/em&gt;</div>
e('div', e.trust('<em>foo</em>')); // <div><em>foo</em></div>


e('ul.list', [
	e('li', 'foo'),
	e('li', [
		e('a', { href: '/baz' }, 'baz')


<ul class="list">
	<li>bar <a href="/baz">baz</a></li>

Create document fragment:

var fragment = e([
	e('.foo', 'foo'),
	'bar', // text node
	null,  // will be skipped
	e('a', { href: '/baz' }, 'baz')


	<div class="foo">foo</div>
	<a href="/baz">baz</a>


e.svg('svg', { width: 100, height: 50 }, [
	e.svg('image', { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50, 'xlink:href': '/example.jpg' }),
	e.svg('circle', { cx: 25, cy: 25, r: 10, fill: '#aaa' }),
	e.svg('circle', { cx: 75, cy: 25, r: 10, fill: '#666' }),


<svg width="100" height="50">
	<image x="0" y="0" width="100" height="50" xlink:href="/example.jpg"></image>
	<circle cx="25" cy="25" r="10" fill="#aaa"></circle>
	<circle cx="75" cy="25" r="10" fill="#666"></circle>


e(name, [props], [children])

Create a single element.

name String

Element hash in a form of a selector specifying element type, ID, classes, and attributes.


  • div => <div></div>
  • div.foo => <div class="foo"></div>
  • .foo => <div class="foo"></div>
  • #foo.bar => <div id="foo" class="bar"></div>
  • h1.foo.bar => <h1 class="foo bar"></h1>
  • a[href=/foo] => <a href="/foo"></a>

[props] Object

Element properties/attributes like src, href, style, ... you can also set id, classes, and bind event listeners:

e('div', { id: 'foo', class: 'bar baz', onclick: clickHandler });

Special behaviors:

Properties class and className will add classes to those defined in the selector:

e('.foo', {class: 'bar', className: 'baz'}); // <div class="foo bar baz"></div>

You don't have to use quotation marks for selector defined attribute values. As long as the value doesn't contain square brackets ([]) you are OK. If it does, use props object instead:

e('a[href=https://example.com/foo?bar=baz]'); // OK
e('a[href=https://example.com/foo?bar[]=baz]'); // NOT OK!
e('a', {href: 'https://example.com/foo?bar[]=baz'}); // use props instead

Attributes defined in props object override attributes defined in selector:

e('img[width=10][height=20]', {width: 20}); // <img width="20" height="20">

style property can be both a string or an object:

e('div', {style: 'position: absolute; top: 0;'});
e('div', {style: {position: 'absolute', top: '0'});

[children] String | Number | Element | Array

Element child(ren). When:

  • String | Number - It'll be transformed into a text node and appended. Empty strings are transformed into empty text nodes.
  • Element - It'll be appended.
  • Array - An array of strings, numbers, and/or elements to be appended. Other values are ignored, so if you want to skip an element, just pass null or undefined.
e('h1', 'This is title'); // text node
e('button', e('i.icon')) // single child
// multiple children with one ignored
e('label[for=foo]', [
	e('input#foo[type=checkbox][name=foo]', {checked: true}),
	null, // will be skipped
	'This is a foo checkbox'

Combining children skipping with ternary operators is quite handy:

e('h1.title', [
	'Post title',
	!isAdmin ? null : e('a.edit', {href: editPostLink}, 'Edit')


Creates a document fragment with children inside.

children Array

var fragment = e([
	e('.foo', 'foo'),
	'bar', // text node
	null,  // will be skipped
	e('a', { href: '/baz' }, 'baz')


Creates a String object flaged as trusted. When e sees this object, it will use it as elements innerHTML as opposed to creating an escaped texNode and appending.

value Mixed Can be anything, it will be stringified and passed to element's innerHTML.

e('div', e.trust('this is <strong>not</strong> gonna be escaped'));

This is kind of an edge case, but to keep the library simple, e.trust() can't be used in an array of children:

e('div', [
	'this is gonna be deleted by trusted string next in line',
	e.trust('this will be used as div\'s innerHTML, deleting anything that came before')

Instead, wrap it in another element:

e('div', [
	'this is gonna stay!',
	e('span', e.trust('<strong>no</strong> issues here'))

e.svg(name, [props], [children])

Shorthand for creating elements in the SVG (http://www.w3.org/2000/svg) namespace URI:


Returns a function that'll use specified namespaceURI when creating an element. The core e() & e.svg() functions are a result of this, and you could re-implement them by:

var ns = e.ns;
e = ns('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml');
e.svg = ns('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg');
// and use the same way
e('.foo', 'bar'); // <div class="foo">bar</div>
e.svg('svg');     // <svg></svg>


To run tests:

component install --dev
component build --dev

And open test/index.html
