
This application is a social network that aims to get people to go out and do positive challenges by categories. Upload the videos to the App and get rated and rate another users Challenges videos.

Primary LanguageJava


This application was built as part of a software engineering course at Ariel University
Made by: Dar Sambrano , Tal Ben Gozi , Ron Lieb

About the App:

This application is a social network that aims to get people to go out and do positive challenges by categories. Upload the videos to the App and get rated and rate another users Challenges videos.

First, you will need to download the app to your personal device, create a trusted profile that includes identifying information. Then you will be able to see all the challenges uploaded to the network from other users, and also you will be able to perform your own videos and uploaded the videos to the app and will be able to create a list of friends you like to see their videos.

Photos from the App:

Login Activity,Register Activity,Main Page,Profile,Main, Page,Other User Profile


The application supports the following features:

  • Data Base
    • Network service Firebase
  • Videos
    • Uploaded videos
    • Download videos
    • See list videos
  • Users
    • Build a personal user
    • Build a Admin Management user
    • Connected between users

Selected Features:

Add new challenge to one or more categories
(Only a manager can do that)

Watch my list friends
and get in their profile

See Challenges by categories

Upload Challenge to the app


ERD Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Object Diagram

Activity Diagram

Class Diagram

Sequence Diagram

State Machine Diagram
