
Linux Terminal based File explorer.

Primary LanguageC++

Linux Based File Explorer

A fully functional File Explorer Application, with a restricted feature set.

Steps to Run

  • Open the terminal in Linux where main.cpp is located.
  • Run g++ main.cpp on terminal
  • Run ./a.out on terminal

Some Assumptions

  • Terminal Size should be :Minimum Width-90 ,Minimum Height:10
  • If window is resized vertically,then it will auto-adjust the content by pressing any arrow key
  • For any Space serparated File/Directory name, \ should be used before space.For Example if file name is Advance AOS.txt then you should give input Advance\ AOS.
  • Deletion/Rename of any directories which are on above level of current directories is NOT ALLOWED.For Example Current Directory is C and path is A/B/C. So Deletion/Rename of A,B are NOT ALLOWED.

Standards Considered

  • Directory from where Application is launched is Considered as root(home).
  • Application in NORMAL MODE can't go in above level folder of that root(home).
Symbol Meaning
~/ and / Root(home) of application where it started
./ Current Directory
../ Parent Directory of Current Directory


  • Changes will be reflected in NORMAL MODE file list also as you execute any command from COMMAND MODE.
  • Directories will show Total Size including it's subfiles as well as folders.
  • Scrolling can be done by k and l keys ,irrespective of cursor position.

Demo Image
