
Begin your cloudnative journey in 11 stages

Primary LanguageGo

Apollo 11


11 stage plan to know end-to-end of a k8s/cloudnative ecosystem

Theres a lot to explore, this journey may take a weeks to achieve.

Just remember this principle before you begin:

First do it -> Then do it right -> Then do it better

Final project

Heres how our final project will look like:

A full fledged Baking store app

  • This will include 3-4 microservices and will include:
    • multiple communication mechanisms : REST, graphql, gRPC
    • Databases - both sql and no-sql
    • authentication/authorization of users
    • storage orchestration
    • secret management
    • chaos engineering
    • data analytics
    • cluster autoscaling

Here's the architecture for both the architecture flavors


  • backend api: goLang
  • Database:
    • Postgres [for sql operations ]
    • Mongodb [ for nosql operations ]


  • Local development: skaffold + telepresence/Tilt
  • Cluster provisioning: Kubespray [optional, can use any tool but kubespray is the best for learning]
  • CI: Argo Workflows
  • Gitops: ArgoCD
  • Progressive Deployment: Argo Events & Argo Rollouts
  • Secret Store: Vault
  • Ingress Controller: Apisix
  • Packaging: Helm
  • Patching: Kustomize
  • Logging:
    • Agent: Fluentd
    • Backend: Loki
  • Service Mesh: Istio
  • Monitoring: Prometheus+Grafana
  • Compliance monitoring: kubebench
  • Policy enginer: OPA/ Kyverno
  • Policy Checker: Kubescape
  • Backup and restore: Velero
  • Load Testing: Kube-monkey
  • data analytics: python
  • Serverless : OpenFaas


  • Dapr
  • Dagger


  • Stage 0: Pre-requisites

  • Stage 1: Basics + Local setup

  • Stage 2: Rest api + backend in local k8s cluster

  • Stage 3: Routing using ingress controller

  • Stage 4: Move on from Minikube/Docker

  • Stage 5: Helm packaging and Kustomize Patching

  • Stage 6: Deployment/Gitops

  • Stage 7: Monitoring + Observability + Tracing

  • Stage 8: Service Mesh

  • Stage 9: AutoScaling and Load testing

  • Stage 10: Chaos Engineering + Backup and Restore

  • Stage 11: Security and Compliance

Along the way we will explore all the services and features in the k8s ecosystem to get a handson on how to create a Complete app architecture

follow the principles in this image when you are embarking on this journey :



You need to be NASA before you can be in the apollo program ;)

Note: If you are not a beginner, feel free to move to stage 1 else you can treat this as a refresher and do it anyways :D

I recommend that you spend a good 2-3 weeks in these before even starting the journey. Will make the journey a breeze:


Whats Cloud Native:

Also before we start, have a brief idea about what cloudnative is

These are some good references if you need to dive deeper:

Stage 1: Basics + Local setup [ 2 weeks ]

Goal: Good enough knowledge of k8s and golang to get started

1. Go Lang basics

Note: Go lang is optional. You can create the rest api's in Python or any other language as well.

Recommended videos to watch and follow along:

Once you have a fair amount of handson following the above two tutorials, follow this tour from go and then the cheatsheet to get an general overview:

You will also find my go learning scripts in stage-1/go-learning

Bro Tip: You commits pushed from laptop wont be visible in the github contributions. Yes we love green dots :D Follow this to setup GPG verified commits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4166ExAnxmo

Other Sources:

2. Docker/Container Basics:

Because even though docker is no more the only container runtime in town. Its still the best place to get to know about containers and explore them


3.Kubernetes basics



Kubernetes Essential Tools: 2021 https://itnext.io/kubernetes-essential-tools-2021-def12e84c572 https://itnext.io/kubernetes-explained-deep-enough-1ea2c6821501

https://dustinspecker.com/posts/how-do-kubernetes-and-docker-create-ip-addresses/ https://dustinspecker.com/posts/iptables-how-docker-publishes-ports/ https://dustinspecker.com/posts/iptables-how-kubernetes-services-direct-traffic-to-pods/


Install minikube & understand the basics:


Note: Minikube is the simplest way to start a local k8s cluster. There are many other ways like kind(Kubernetes in Docker) ,k3s,microk8s amongst others.https://developer.ibm.com/blogs/options-to-run-kubernetes-locally/


K8s yaml syntax:

Its all yaml!!


Stage 2: Rest api + backend in local k8s cluster [ 2 weeks ]


Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API

  1. Create namespace "application"

kubectl create namespace mynamespace

  1. Create a simple go rest API [or in python]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKkokYpGyTU [ Introduction to HTTP with Go : Our first microservice]



For python there is: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/

  1. Build docker image with it

Figure how to link local image repo in minikube

Create everything below using configuration yaml


Complete these two tutorials: https://github.com/knrt10/kubernetes-basicLearning https://redhat-scholars.github.io/kubernetes-tutorial/kubernetes-tutorial/index.html

Create a deployment and expose as external service

Should be able to access it from browser as .port

Create namespace "nosql" mongodb deployment Expose mongodb as internal service Mongodb credentials stored in secrets. Then referenced from mongoexpress deployment (Need to create secrets before you can use them)

Learn peristent volumes and stateful sets and change mongodb to that instead of deployment

Create a config map of non sensitive values if needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-gXx7r7Rz4 [Configuration management in Kubernetes for beginners] Mongo express deployment Expose mongodbexpress as external service

Change go code to interact with mongodb Make the go service interact with mongodb service Crud operation should work

Create namespace front end Add a small front end app to the make calls to go api

Create local image

Create it as deployment and load env variables from a config map Expose it as external service

Stage 3: Routing using ingress controller [ 1 week ]

Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API

https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/ingress-minikube/ https://betterprogramming.pub/do-faster-development-and-testing-on-kubernetes-apps-with-telepresence-b7eac604dca4


Create ingress rules for sample url ---> gobuydoge.com /Frontend will take to frontend external service /Backend will take to backeelnd external service

Create ingress controller to control all the routes On local machine add entry for gobuydoge.com to the ingress controller ip

Gobuydoge.com/frontend should show frontend Gobuydoge.com/backend should show backend


Stage 4: Move on from Minikube/Docker

Goal: Now that we have a good handson, lets move to building a prod grade cluster the hard way

We will be building a end to end cluster in gcp using kubespray.

Follow this guide for detailed steps: stage 4 notes

Install any other container runtime other than docker


  • Use buildah to build container images instead of
  • Try different local k8s platforms: k3s,kind,microk8s.
  • Aws eks infra building with CDK


Stage 5: Helm packaging

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMFYSm0ldQ0 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCrU9sGyburBw9wNOHebv9SjlE4Elv5a

Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API


Stage 6: Service Mesh

Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API

  • Service mesh ISTIO

A service mesh, like the open source project Istio, is a way to control how different parts of an application share data with one another. Unlike other systems for managing this communication, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer built right into an app. This visible infrastructure layer can document how well (or not) different parts of an app interact, so it becomes easier to optimize communication and avoid downtime as an app grows.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkR1M6qwpnw [Istio in 5 minutes] Istio Service Mesh Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zDrLvpfCK4


Stage 7: Monitoring + Observability + Tracing

Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API https://12factor.net/ -- 12 factor app

Stage 8: App Testing + Deployment/Gitops + Autoscaling


https://github.com/devtron-labs/devtron https://tutorialedge.net/golang/intro-testing-in-go/

https://itnext.io/kubernetes-deployment-strategies-types-and-argo-rollouts-9d5f98e8b24e https://blog.container-solutions.com/kubernetes-deployment-strategies

Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API

  • K8s Deployment strategy

    • CICD using github actions
    • DevSecops
    • TestOps
    • k8s misconfiguration from reaching production- datree
  • Various deployment patterns in K8s

  • gitops with flux v2

Tekton: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzpeuWUENMK3ITxCCJRtGGSb3Pf58W80r

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZQwd34yMI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGHeAez-k5I&list=PLEV9ul4qfGOYLooAW9hnekIOyCMtI7zaZ&index=2


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4v7wGqKcEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrLwFEXvxbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCYnIQZnlRg


Stage 9: Event driven architecture


Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API

  • Introduce a event bus or stream eg. Apache FLink and operate using same

Asynchronous Event Handling Using Microservices and Kafka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwJItZbCAv4

Stage 10: Load Testing + Chaos Engineering + Backup and Restore

Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API

  • DevSecOps
  • inject failure into your Kubernetes clusters

For load testing: https://www.containiq.com/post/kubernetes-load-testing

Stage 11: Security and Compliance + threat detection




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juVPuWBi29s https://getbetterdevops.io/k8s-ingress-with-letsencrypt/


Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API




  • Falco

  • kubehunter

  • Gatekeeper

  • Enforce good practices using datree


Apollo program continues: Go deeper in this space

Write your own Kubernetes controller in Rust from scratch https://blog.frankel.ch/start-rust/6/

Goal: Rest api to interact with mongodb. mongoexpress to interact with mongodb. Frontend to interact with API

Explore Kubernetes Serverless:

Optional: https://www.katacoda.com/javajon/courses/kubernetes-serverless


-- Try new tools and features: https://github.com/grafana/tanka




Top Kubernetes Interview Questions Answers (From Container Specialist)

Reading lists

Youtube Channels



Inspiring Articles for long term learning


-- Reading list: