11 stage plan to enable you to become very good with the whole k8s based cloud native ecosystem and comfortable with all the components involved for almost every requirement that may come up to build a robust architecture.
Here's the architecture of what you will build at the end of this journey
Category | Tools |
Backend API | Golang,Python |
Sql Database | Postgres,Mysql |
Nosql Database | MongoDB |
Local Development | Tilt |
Dashboard | Headlamp,k9s |
Container Management | Docker, Podman |
CI | Github Actions |
GitOps | ArgoCD |
Progressive Deployment | Argo Events, Argo Rollouts |
Secret Store | Vault |
Ingress Controller | Apisix |
Packaging | Helm |
Patching | Kustomize |
Logging | Fluentd (agent), Loki (backend) |
Service Mesh | Istio |
Monitoring | Prometheus, Grafana |
Compliance Monitoring | kubebench |
Policy Engine | OPA/Kyverno |
Policy Checker | Kubescape |
Backup and Restore | Velero |
Load Testing | hey,Kube-monkey |
Cluster Provisioning | Kubespray (optional) |
Serverless | OpenFaas |
Container Builds | Buildah |
- Dapr
- Dagger
Stage 0: Basics and Local Setup
- using docker compose to run all the components locally and ensure they run
Stage 1: Run on local k8s cluster
- create a kind cluster with multiple worker nodes
- create all the manifests and confirm its working
- using tilt for local development
Stage 2: Move on from Local k8s cluster
- github actions to push image to gcr/private repo
- use image pull secrets to pull image
Stage 3: Monitoring + Observability + Tracing
- Headlamp and k9s for k8s dashboard
- monitor the cluster and app metrics with prometheus
- create cronjobs which will send data to push gateway
- get all the logs centrally using loki
- visualizing everything in grafana
- getting traces using opentelemtry agent in tempo/jaeger
Stage 4: Helm packaging and Kustomize Patching
Stage 5: Service Mesh + ingress controller + gateway
Stage 6: troubleshooting
- ephemeral containers/kubectl debug command
Stage 7: Deployment/Gitops [cover nodeselector, labels, muliple env deployment also]
Stage 8: AutoScaling and Load testing
- Qos class
Stage 9: Chaos Engineering + Backup and Restore
Stage 10: Security and Compliance
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/encrypt-data/
- Enable or configure RBAC rules
Stage 11: progressive deployment + devsecops
This course assumes that you come with bare basic knowledge about k8s concepts.