
Angular 7 Web app to manage AWS service with Firebase integration for authentication. www.awskonsole.ml

Primary LanguageCSS

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AWS Konsole



Angular 7 Web application to interact with AWS Services. Backend is served by AWS API Gateway+AWS Lambda. Authentication using Google Firebase.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

  • This is part of a bigger project of creating a unified platform to interact with AWS services from a various interfaces (WEB,MOBILE,CLI,VOICE)
  • Angular 7 Web application to interact with AWS Services. Backend is served by AWS API Gateway+AWS Lambda. Authentication using Google Firebase.
  • Still in the works. Should be completed by year end as I am commiting consistently but once a week.

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them.

  • Node Js & npm Windows Ubuntu
  • Angular 7 npm install -g @angular/cli
  • Git apt install -y git


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.

  • Clone the project
    git clone https://github.com/darshan-raul/awsdashboard.git
  • Change the directory to project directory
    cd awsdashboard
  • Install all the dependencies
    npm install
  • Run on localhost
    ng serve
  • Go to http://localhost:4200

🎈 Architecture


🚀 Deployment

  • Build the code for production npm build --prod
  • Create a S3 static website bucket. Steps
  • Copy the contents of /dist folder to the S3 bucket Either through AWS Console,SDK or CLI.
  • Go to the S3 website endpoint. The app should be working seamlessly. Steps to Automate the deployment

⛏️ Built Using


  • Comment all the code

  • remove the graphs until a working prototype is made

  • Add real api calls in the service's

  • Test the api calls and 1. console log them 2. add them to functions and then display on screen

  • Convert into FIREBASE app

  • Add Gitlab CI for building

  • add AWS amplify/Angular Fire authentication

  • Add refresh button on Main Dashboard to refresh the counts

  • S3

    • Display no of buckets on Main Dashboard
    • Display public/private buckets
    • Should be able to view the bucket info
    • Create Bucket working
    • Delete Bucket working
  • IAM

    • No of Users/Roles/Groups on dashboard //ROLE API call error from backend
    • List/Create/Delete:
      • user
      • Group
      • Role
  • Building the code and deploying the app to S3

  • Adding script to deploy (build --prod && upload to S3 static website bucket ) for automating

  • Create JenkinsFile to Continously build and deploy the code to S3 bucket