Angular 7 Web application to interact with AWS Services. Backend is served by AWS API Gateway+AWS Lambda. Authentication using Google Firebase.
- This is part of a bigger project of creating a unified platform to interact with AWS services from a various interfaces (WEB,MOBILE,CLI,VOICE)
- Angular 7 Web application to interact with AWS Services. Backend is served by AWS API Gateway+AWS Lambda. Authentication using Google Firebase.
- Still in the works. Should be completed by year end as I am commiting consistently but once a week.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them.
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.
- Clone the project
git clone
- Change the directory to project directory
cd awsdashboard
- Install all the dependencies
npm install
- Run on localhost
ng serve
- Go to http://localhost:4200
- Build the code for production
npm build --prod
- Create a S3 static website bucket. Steps
- Copy the contents of /dist folder to the S3 bucket Either through AWS Console,SDK or CLI.
- Go to the S3 website endpoint. The app should be working seamlessly. Steps to Automate the deployment
Comment all the code
remove the graphs until a working prototype is made
Add real api calls in the service's
Test the api calls and 1. console log them 2. add them to functions and then display on screen
Convert into FIREBASE app
Add Gitlab CI for building
add AWS amplify/Angular Fire authentication
Add refresh button on Main Dashboard to refresh the counts
- Display no of buckets on Main Dashboard
- Display public/private buckets
- Should be able to view the bucket info
- Create Bucket working
- Delete Bucket working
- No of Users/Roles/Groups on dashboard //ROLE API call error from backend
- List/Create/Delete:
- user
- Group
- Role
Building the code and deploying the app to S3
Adding script to deploy (build --prod && upload to S3 static website bucket ) for automating
Create JenkinsFile to Continously build and deploy the code to S3 bucket