
Built a complete search engine by creating an Inverted Index on the Wikipedia corpus ( of 2018 with size 72 GB). That gives you top search result related to given query words.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Wikipedia Search Engine


  1. Python3
  2. nltk
  3. etree
  4. stop words list

About Project

Built Search Engine Platform by creating Inverted Index on the Wikipedia Data Dump (2018) of size 73 GB.

Following Steps Follows to create Inverted Indexing

  • Parsing using etree : Need to parse each page , title tag, infobox, body , category etc..
  • Tokenization : Tokenize sentense to get each token using regular expression
  • Case Folding : make it all to lowercase
  • Stop Words Removal : remove stop word which are more frequently occured in a sentences
  • Stemming : get root/base word and store it
  • Inverted Index Creation : create word & its positing list consist of doc_id : TF-IDf score

Posting List for title/body/infobox/category file:

word1 : doc_id_1 : 70.34, doc_id_30 : 50.12, doc_id_35 : 20
word2 : doc_id_2 : 40.12, doc_id_35 : 20.78

Word_dictionary :

word1 : { t : title_file_offset , b : body_file_offset, c : category_file_offset, i : inforbox_file_offset}
word2 : { t : title_file_offset , b : body_file_offset, c : category_file_offset, i : inforbox_file_offset}


  • support field query like title:abc body:aaa infobox:zyx
  • showing only top 10 relevent search result
  • Response time is nearly 1-2 second


  1. Difficult to process such huge Data dump of 73 GB
  2. Can not store word & its posting list into a main memory, So Used K-way Merge sort
  3. Can not Load full final index into main memory, So Bild Secondary Index on top of Primary Index (Posting List)

To Create indexing from Wiki Dump

python3 wiki_indexer.py <wiki_dump_path> <index_path>

eg : python3 wiki_indexer.py /home/darshan/Documents/M.Tech_SEM-3/IRE/projects/mini-projects/wikipedia-search-engine/phase-2/dump_wikipedia.xml /home/darshan/Documents/M.Tech_SEM-3/IRE/projects/mini-projects/wikipedia-search-engine/phase-2/index_files

To Search Query

python3 search.py <index_path>

eg : python3 search.py /home/darshan/Documents/M.Tech_SEM-3/IRE/projects/mini-projects/wikipedia-search-engine/phase-2/index_files