
Minimum json server which works without restart

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to start working

clone repository

npm install npm run start

Check Which DataStore you like and start using it.

Get All http://localhost:3000/rest/users/

Get All with Pageing http://localhost:3000/rest/users?\_page=1&\_pageSize=2

Get By id http://localhost:3000/rest/users/1

Post http://localhost:3000/rest/users/ // body as json

Put http://localhost:3000/rest/users/1 // body as json

Delete http://localhost:3000/rest/users/1


- FileSystem (Default)
- neDb
- mongodb
    - ENV: DB_NAME (default : mjserverDB)
    - ENV: CONNECTION_STRING (default : mongodb://localhost:27017)
- redis
    - ENV: REDIS_URL (default : redis://localhost:6379)
    - ENV: REDIS_USERNAME=default (default : default)
    - ENV: REDIS_PWD (default : null)
- postgrs 
    - ENV: CONNECTION_STRING  (default :'postgresql://localhost:5432');
- sql server 
    - ENV: CONNECTION_STRING  (default :'');


- Caching layer (ENV: CACHE_TTL=100, or soon api level)
- Reverse Proxy
- Webhooks
- RealTime  /Realtime Implemented with socket.io
- Hypermedia API


- validations
- Special routes
- admin Area service
- admin panel
- Search....
- transformations
- security (JWT)
- clients (client keys)
- schemas
- headless cms
- GraphQL (When schema available)