Cricket T20 International Match Prediction

  • run to run the code.
  • You will have to Enter two team names as an input (For example: "Australia", "India", "England", "New Zealand") This is case sensitive.
  • The code will ask you to enter the which team won the toss between the two teams you have entered above (For example: "Australia", "India", "England", "New Zealand") You can also leave it empty and just click ENTER key to proceed if toss result is unknown.
  • The code will ask you to enter the venue(country name same as team name) where the the match is played (For example: "Australia", "India", "England", "New Zealand") You can also leave it empty and just click ENTER key to proceed if venue is unknown.
  • It will print the winner after the user input. Remember: the name of two teams is required to predict but the toss result and venue is optional.

Sample input

team1, team2, teamWonToss, venue

You can use the following series of input as follows:

  • "India","New Zealand","India","India"
  • "India","New Zealand","India","New Zealand"
  • "India","England","England","India"
  • "India","Australia","","United Arab Emirates"
  • "India","New Zealand","","United Arab Emirates"
  • "India","New Zealand","India",""
  • "India","New Zealand","",""

Note: Please do not input " " in the console, it is just for representation

T20 World Cup 2021 Simulation

  • run to run our algorithm on the fixtures from the world cup and predict the winner.