
Hackathon project for Access Denied Hackathon

Primary LanguageRuby


What is relational_redis?

relational_redis is a stub for redis database to achieve relational database functionality coupled with a dashboard to display statistics such as CPU usage, commands per/sec, hits/sec etc.

Why relational_redis?

relational_redis plays the role of an in-memory relational database.

How does it work?

  • It uses rediSQL to translate SQL queries on the fly and imitate relational database functionality on redis(which is in fact a key-value pair storage).
  • load_db.py is a utility script to seed a sqlite database into redis(for now the script assumes a single table in the database)
  • conf.py can be used to set the database name and table name.
  • data_generator was used to generate random data.

Installation instructions

  • Install redis.
  • Install rediSQL.
  • Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Run rediSQL either as a Docker container or as a module with the redis server.
  • Configure database and table name in conf.py and run load_db.py to seed the database into redis.
  • cd into redis-stat/redis-stat/ and run ruby -Ilib bin/redis-stat --server
  • Run python app.py
  • Visit localhost:63790 to see the dashboard displaying all statistics.


Run bash test.sh to test the whole project with a query.

Screen Grabs



A sample query


Redis-stat, rediSQL and python servers


