
To reproduce the work of Grace et al.

Primary LanguageStata

PestKidneyGrace# Pesticides and kidney function US Population 2001-2010

This is the data repository for public available code and data to reproduce analyses in Grace et al. 

(https://github.com/MountStats/PestKidneyGrace/dataprep.do) includes the code to extract all necessary data and prepocess data for statistical analyses.

The datapre.do file directly download the necessary data from (https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/Default.aspx)

(https://github.com/MountStats/PestKidneyGrace/DataFileAndVariableNames.xlsx) includes the details of the variables used in the analysis.

(https://github.com/MountStats/PestKidneyGrace/analyses.do) includes the code to implement analyses presented in the paper.