
Examples for accessing Google APIs with Dart

Primary LanguageDart

Examples for accessing Google APIs with Dart

These examples demonstrate the access to Google APIs in dart. Every example comes with a README.md file which explains how to run it.

Example: cloudstorage_upload_download_service_account

This example demonstrates the usage of the Google Cloud Storage API. It shows how to upload files to Cloud Storage and how to download them again.

Example: customsearch_browser_apikey

This example demonstrates the usage of the Google Custom Search API. It shows how to search on pub.dartlang.org.

Example: drive_search_console

This example demonstrates the usage of the Google Drive API. It shows how to search for files in drive from a console application.

Example: drive_search_web

This example demonstrates the usage of the Google Drive API. It shows how to search for files in drive from a client-side only web application.

Example: drive_upload_download_console

This example demonstrates the usage of the Google Drive API. It shows how to upload files to Google Drive and how to download them again.