
Meta Issue: Roadmap - Q2 2018

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments

Current Projects

We schedule our work a quarter at a time. Here is what we are working on right now.

Improve the documentation generated in the component gallery generator.

  • Improve documentation consistency between components.
  • Add documentation for the Angular API of the components; inputs, outputs etc.
  • Add documentation for Sass mixins used for customizing the appearance of components.

Add new components.

  • Material Slider
  • Material Stepper

Evaluate mono repo layout for angular_components, examples, gallery etc.

  • Simplify syncing process when all code is in one repo?
  • Are there additional packages to bring into this repo?

Improve gallery and example usability.

  • Build and serve individual examples locally.
  • Gallery generators usable for other packages.

anything on data table component. I think it is pretty important one to have for enterprise development.

@nni123 Work to open source is still progressing but we still can't say exactly when it will be ready.

@nshahan ping Q3? I am starting a project, I would like to know what the next news will be.

@pcariel things are going really well. We have MANY people working on it, even some interns. We hope to have something this quarter, but we can't commit to it yet.

Q2 2018 - Work Summary

Improve the documentation generated in the component gallery generator.

  • โœ”๏ธ Improve documentation consistency between components.

    Documentation fixit cleaned up many inconsistencies in the presentation.

  • โœ”๏ธ Add documentation for the Angular API of the components; inputs, outputs etc.

    Now generating docs for @Inputs and @Outputs from the dartdoc comments.

  • ๐Ÿ”ด Add documentation for Sass mixins used for customizing the appearance of components.

    Will look at this more in Q3.

Add new components.

  • โœ”๏ธ Material Slider


  • โœ”๏ธ Material Stepper


Evaluate mono repo layout for angular_components, examples, gallery etc.

  • Simplify syncing process when all code is in one repo?

    Yes would make syncing considerably easier.

  • Are there additional packages to bring into this repo?

    Table components when they get released, possibly the shared code between the packages.

Improve gallery and example usability.

  • ๐Ÿ”ด Build and serve individual examples locally.

    Still would like this to work, but getting build_runner and bazel working at the same time has been difficult.

  • ๐Ÿ”ด Gallery generators usable for other packages.

    Not a priority at this time.

Roadmap for Q3 2018 (finally) posted #312.