Pinned issues
- 10
Invalid locale "se_SE"
#818 opened by meowofficial - 1
Strip script information when parsing a locale string
#945 opened by kszczek - 7
Because every version of form_builder_validators depends on flutter_localizations from sdk which depends on intl 0.20.1
#925 opened by PabloRG-git - 2
Version solving failed for intl: `0.20.0`
#914 opened by mosuem - 2
Issues upgrading
#944 opened by FilipeOS - 1
Add explicitSign parameter to all NumberFormats
#940 opened by Albert221 - 1
- 0
pls ignore - sry (great package btw!)
#936 opened by saropa - 3
Add format for 2 digits year
#934 opened by Mumbaso21 - 4
- 3
- 1
Bump web to 1.1.0
#920 opened by jodinathan - 0
[FR] (intl) Support web: 1.0.0 in intl
#916 opened by valebedu - 0
- 0
Use `CBOR` for package:messages
#915 opened by mosuem - 1
Swedish dateformat incorrect in intl 0.19.0
#908 opened by b055man - 0
Improve handling of unsupported locales
#900 opened by chadpav - 1
- 1
Add Coptic 'cop' Language Support
#892 opened by dbebawy - 1
Day and Month start with lowercase in Spanish locale
#889 opened by yuruyuri16 - 0
- 1
when i add new word in .arb it dosen't work
#888 opened by AliSabbar - 0
- 0
Linux: Bad subtag "en_AU.UTF-8"
#886 opened by dedickinson - 1
Help: How can I disable rounding?
#883 opened by SamMotta - 4
Using intl4x on io platform
#869 opened by Dan-Crane - 9
Use `native_toolchain_rust` to build ICU4X binary
#857 opened by mosuem - 0
Long-term `package:intl`/`intl_translation` strategy
#868 opened by mosuem - 2
- 2
Marathi language support not present
#865 opened by KartikGavhale - 5
feat(intl): allow abbreviated months not strictly being title cased (MMM, LLL)
#817 opened by alestiago - 4
not possible to call initializeDateFormatting('pt_BR',null) as described in
#856 opened by insinfo - 4
- 5
Intl round doubles wrong
#837 opened by asier-escofet-sagarribay - 3
Parsing of dates in "ar" locale fails when typed
#852 opened by jokraft - 5
update intl_en.arb file
#841 opened by Tigran-Kosemyan - 0
- 0
- 1
Currency symbol is returning the ISO currency symbol instead of the actual symbol.
#826 opened by rsegecin - 4
Erroneous NumberFormat locale - pt_PT
#821 opened by rmpt - 0
TODO for `package:messages`
#816 opened by mosuem - 0
- 0
- 0
Export needed locales using `@ResourceIdentifier`
#812 opened by mosuem - 2
Format hour using single "H" return two digits
#811 opened by Yiling-J - 3
Merge issue in v1.18.4-2023.2
#808 opened by Jazzel - 0
The 'ZERO' plural resolver for pt_BR is wrong
#809 opened by emersonsiega - 6
- 1
DateFormat whitespace problem when parsing times
#805 opened by dg76 - 1
Add support for yMMdd dateformat
#803 opened by aanelson