
A Flutter package for place search using MapBox Api and for Static map image

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT



This package provides easy api calls to MapBox Search API.

Also, it contains an static map image generator 😆.

Migration to 2.0

Before 2.0 this library depended on Flutter SDK, preventing its usage on other platforms such as a backend, CLI apps, Dart2Javascript, etc...

Now all the Flutter related code, such as the MapBoxSearchWidget was moved to a separated library: mapbox_search_flutter.

For that reason, you cannot use the Colors class anymore on you Flutter project. Instead use map_box_search's Color.rgb constructor, passing the values as parameters:

var myColor = Colors.redAccent; //Flutter's Color class
var mapBoxColor = Color.rgb( myColor.red, myColor.green, myColor.blue);


First of all you must acquire an API key on the MapBox website https://www.mapbox.com/

Then, add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  mapbox_search: any


Reverse GeoCoding

var reverseGeoCoding = ReverseGeoCoding(
    apiKey: 'API Key',
    limit: 5,

Future<List<MapBoxPlace>> getPlaces() =>
    Location(lat: 72.0, lng: 76.00),

Places Seach

var placesSearch = PlacesSearch(
    apiKey: 'API Key',
    limit: 5,

Future<List<MapBoxPlace>> getPlaces() =>
  placesSearch.getPlaces("New York");

Static Image

MapBoxStaticImage staticImage = MapBoxStaticImage(
        "API Key");

Image With Polyline

    String getStaticImageWithPolyline() => staticImage.getStaticUrlWithPolyline(
      point1: Location(lat: 37.77343, lng: -122.46589),
      point2: Location(lat: 37.75965, lng: -122.42816),
      marker1: MapBoxMarker( markerColor: Colors.black, markerLetter: 'p', markerSize: MarkerSize.LARGE),
      msrker2: MapBoxMarker(
          markerColor: Color.rgb(244, 67, 54),
          markerLetter: 'q',
          markerSize: MarkerSize.SMALL),
      height: 300,
      width: 600,
      zoomLevel: 16,
      style: MapBoxStyle.Mapbox_Dark,
      path: MapBoxPath(pathColor: Colors.red, pathOpacity: 0.5,     pathWidth: 5),
      render2x: true);

Image with Marker

String getStaticImageWithMarker() => staticImage.getStaticUrlWithMarker(
  center: Location(lat: 37.77343, lng: -122.46589),
  marker: MapBoxMarker(
      markerColor: Color.rgb(0, 0, 0), markerLetter: 'p', markerSize: MarkerSize.LARGE),
  height: 300,
  width: 600,
  zoomLevel: 16,
  style: MapBoxStyle.Mapbox_Streets,
  render2x: true,

Image without Marker

String getStaticImageWithoutMarker() => staticImage.getStaticUrlWithoutMarker(
    center: Location(lat: 37.75965, lng: -122.42816),
    height: 300,
    width: 600,
    zoomLevel: 16,
    style: MapBoxStyle.Mapbox_Outdoors,
    render2x: true,


Static Map Image

Static Map Image

Search Widget

