
Use scrapy with a list of proxies generated from proxynova.com

Primary LanguagePython


Use scrapy with a list of proxies generated from proxynova.com

The first run will generate the list of proxies from http://proxynova.com and store it in the cache.

It will individually check each proxy to see if they work and remove the ones that timed out or cannot connect to.



To regenerate the proxy list, run: python proxies.py

In settings.py add the following line: DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'scrapy_proxynova.middleware.HttpProxyMiddleware': 543 }


Set these options in the settings.py.

  • PROXY_SERVER_LIST_CACHE_FILE — a file to store proxies list. Default: proxies.txt.
  • PROXY_BYPASS_PERCENT — probability for a connection to use a direct connection and not use a proxy