
This repository is only to register topics studied in rust language.


This repository is only to register topics studied in rust language.

  • Installing Rust in Linux Distro:
    • open the Terminal (console/konsole) and execute the next command line: $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
      • the $ in terminal indicate common user;
      • curl is command line which allow transfer data;
      • --proto is a option which indicate what is protocol used to transfer data. Example: '=https'. secure http;
      • --tlsv1.2 force the curl to use tls1.2 or later when connecting to a remote server TLS;
      • https://sh.rustup.rs conect to server and execute the rust file, file with extension .rs;
        • then will be installed the lastet stable version of rust. You might be prompted for your password;
        • If is ths installation is successfull, will be shown on the terminal the next message: "Rust is installed now. Great!";
      • the option -sSf...
      • the | sh means that the exit will be redirected to terminal sh;