- main.scss
- main.css
- main.css.map
- sidebar-container >
- page-container.scss
- page-container.css
- page-container.map.css
API URL: https://devpipeline-mock-api.onrender.com
- Layout: Sidebar with users that are fetched from the given api.
- users, (formatted first and abbreviated last initial, weight Defaulted to 1, plus and minus weight buttons, which should labeled appropriately)
- larger middle section that has:
- label (initial message, intermediate(while selecting) message, selected user)
- button to initiate selection process
- loading animation (ex: spinner, shuffle the names, etc)
- css animation
- hover effects
- disabled button while selecting a user
- fetch users from given api
- creating dom elements and appending them to the dom
- each user should be weighted, meaning that they would be more or less likely to be randomly selected
- users should only be selected 1 time (unless weighted) per round (getting through entire list)
- once everyone has been selected, the list should start over
- after starting another round(meaning everyone has been selected), the first person selected cannot be the last person that was selected (no back to back selections unless weighted)
- Use VS Code
- Push to github
- Clean projects
- Clean Code
- Try your best to incorporate a large majority of what you've learned
Endpoint: /api/auth/login Request Payload: { email, password } as a stringifie JSON object Response body: { message: "Logged In", user: {_id: "", first_name: "", last_name: "", cohort.......}, users: [{}, {}, {}] }
Be on the lookout for further instructions regarding fetching your cohort peers