The BotSquad Web Client components embeds Botsquad chatbots inside a React component for the web.
npm install @botsquad/web-client
Install dependencies with yarn install
Create a .devenv in the root folder and add the contents of template.devenv and replace the variables with the keys you have.
Run in development with yarn run dev
import React from 'react'
import WebClient from '@botsquad/web-client'
// A user ID, based on a cookie or some external property
const user_id = 'u' + Math.random()
// your Botsquad bot
const bot_id = '1adc3f20-32e9-4376-a147-d9ef23ac8a4c'
function App() {
return (
<div className="botsquad-components layout-docked">
<WebClient bot_id={bot_id} params={{ user_id }} hideAvatars />
export default App