
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

View Master Amplenote Plugin

This plugin will create a series of tables based on data contained in other notes. The table will contain images and data for each of the pages tagged with a certain tag, grouped by a list of other tags.


Create a note in Amplenote contaning a table with at the following data:

Query Tag example-tag
Group By Tags tag1,tag2

After running the plugin on the note it will query for all pages with example-tag set, create sections for each tag in the Group By Tags list and create a view containing data for each note that contains the query tag and the section tag.



Run NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules npm test to run the tests.

If it complains about jsdom being absent, run npm install -D jest-environment-jsdom and try again.

Technologies used to help with this project